Atopic dermatitis(AD)and psoriasis are common chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin diseases mainly mediated by T cells.Type 2 and 17 inflammations are essential in the pathogenesis of AD and psoriasis,respectively.Clinical evidence suggests that benvitimod,a natural metabolite produced by bacterial symbionts,plays a therapeutic role in the development and progression of both AD and psoriasis.Mechanistically,the two most potent interactions with benvitimod are observed in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor(AhR)and nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor-2(Nrf2)pathways.However,it remains largely unknown how is the local interplay among benvitimod,AhR,and Nrf2,and how the epithelial microenvironment contributes to the complex inflammatory context that results in the treatment of AD and psoriasis.In the present study,the modulatory effects of benvitimod on treating AD and psoriasis.
特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD)和银屑病是常见的慢性、复发性、炎症性皮肤病。Th2和Th17细胞介导的细胞免疫分别被认为是AD和银屑病发病机制中必不可少的环节。本维莫德是一种芪类小分子化合物,自从1965年被发现至今,已成为国家一类新药,在临床上用于成人轻中度银屑病的治疗。临床研究表明,本维莫德对特应性皮炎也有积极的治疗作用。尽管目前对本维莫德作用机制的研究还处于探索阶段,但是越来越多的证据显示,本维莫德对皮肤中的芳香烃受体(aryl hydrocarbon receptor,AhR)和核转录因子Nrf2起着重要的调控作用。近年来发现本维莫德调节相关免疫因子的同时,也广泛参与皮肤微环境中抗氧化途径的激活与皮肤屏障的修复。本文就本维莫德治疗AD和银屑病作用机制的相关研究进展做综述。
Beijing Wenfeng Tianji Pharma,Ltd.