作为全球动力技术先行者,康明斯在IAA 2022上进一步展示了其持续践行“零碳目标”(Destination Zero)的承诺,重点展示了其零碳排放解决方案,包括与氢、生物柴油和加氢植物油(HVO)等更清洁燃料兼容的动力系统、氢燃料电池技术、磷酸铁锂(LFP)电池以及先进的康明斯X10发动机平台等多项以清洁能源为核心的动力解决方案。
As a global pioneer in power technology, Cummins further demonstrated its commitment to continuous implementation of the "Destination Zero" at IAA 2022, focusing on its Zero carbon emission solutions, including power systems compatible with cleaner fuels such as hydrogen, biodiesel and HVO, hydrogen fuel cell technology lithium iron phosphate(LFP) battery, advanced Cummins X10 engine platform and other power solutions focusing on clean energy.
Commercial Vehicle