
王庆国自拟痉咳速效方治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘经验采撷 被引量:1

WANG Qingguo′s Experience on Treating Cough Variant Asthma via Self-made Jingke Suxiao Formula(自拟痉咳速效方)
摘要 咳嗽变异性哮喘是临床常见的以长期慢性咳嗽为主要表现的变异性哮喘,其致病机制复杂,目前尚未完全阐明。然而,中医药治疗本病有独特优势,常认为本病以风邪侵袭为主,兼夹其他致病因素而发,长期又导致湿、痰、瘀互结,进而化热伤阴;其病位主要在肺,后期易伤及他脏,尤以肝、脾、肾为主。王庆国教授行医五十余载,治疗本病经验颇丰,以金沸草散、芍药甘草汤、桔梗汤、麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤、射干麻黄汤、桔梗杏仁煎、荆芥汤加减而成“痉咳速效方”,全方升降协调,散收共用,攻补兼施,寒温并进,既无寒凉之弊,又无温燥之虞,祛邪不伤正,扶正不碍邪,组方严谨,疗效显著。但临床上,王教授强调辨证论治,灵活化裁,如风邪犯肺宜散,寒邪干肺宜温,燥邪伤肺宜润,痰湿阻肺宜化,热邪袭肺宜清,脏腑不和宜调等。本文详细阐述“痉咳速效方”组方原则,总结王教授临床常见遣方用药法,并附典型医案以飨同道。 Cough variant asthma is a common clinical variant asthma characterized by long-term chronic cough.Its pathogenic mechanism is complex and has not been fully clarified.However,traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in the treatment of this disease.It is considered that this disease is mainly caused by the invasion of wind evil,combined with other pathogenic factors,which leads to the combination of dampness,phlegm and blood stasis for a long time,and then turns into heat and consumes Yin.The location of the disease is mainly in the lung,and it is easy to hurt other organs in the later stage,especially the liver,spleen and kidney.Professor WANG Qingguo has practiced medicine for more than 50 years and has rich experience in the treatment of this disease.Based on Jinfeicao Powder(金沸草散),Shaoyao Gancao Decoction(芍药甘草汤),Jiegeng Decocction(桔梗汤),Mahuang Xingren Gaocao Shigao Decoction(麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤),Shegan Mahuang Decoction(射干麻黄汤),Jiegeng Xingren Decoction(桔梗杏仁煎)and Jingjie Decoction(荆芥汤),he made Jingke Suxiao Formula(痉咳速效方).The whole prescription can coordinate the ascending and descending function,disperse and consolidate at the same time,attack and supplement in combination,with both cold and warm drugs.It can dispel the evil without harming health and strengthen the right without hindering the evil.The formula is rigorous,and the curative effect is remarkable.However,at clinic,Professor WANG emphasizes the treatment based on syndrome differentiation and flexible modification,such as dispersing the wind evil which invades lung,warming the cold evil which makes lung dry,moistening the dry evil which injuries lung,transforming the phlegm dampness which blocks lung,clearing the heat evil attacking lung,and adjusting the disharmony of Zang-Fu organs.This paper expounded the principle of Jingke Suxiao Formula in detail,summarized Professor WANG′s common clinical prescription and medication methods and attached typical medical records.
作者 邵奇 余巧玉 吉静 武怡平 程发峰 SHAO Qi;YU Qiaoyu;JI Jing;WU Yiping;CHENG Fafeng(School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing Key Laboratory,Beijing 100029)
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2022年第10期35-38,共4页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局中医学术流派传承工作室建设项目(LPGZS 2012-01) 国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(2014011)。
关键词 痉咳速效方 咳嗽 变异性哮喘 王庆国 旋覆花汤 麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤 射干麻黄汤 Jingke Suxiao Formula(痉咳速效方) cough variant asthma WANG Qingguo Xuanfuhua Decoction(旋覆花汤) Mahuang Xingren Gaocao Shigao Decoction(麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤) Shegan Mahuang Decoction(射干麻黄汤)
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