

Research on dynamic resource scheduling of virtual simulation training room based on hybrid cuckoo genetic algorithm
摘要 针对高职院校建设越来越多虚拟仿真资源对外开放使用,存在虚拟仿真实训室资源分配和授课动态调整的问题,分别就课程占用资源静态分配最优化,新增、停课维护虚拟仿真实训资源,新增课程或中止正在进行的实训等实际排课调度问题提出布谷鸟-遗传算法的混合调度算法。以资源分配的最大时间最小化作为优化目标,建立实训基地和实训资源的性能评价指标,改编ft06等测试集仿真验证,将混合布谷鸟-遗传算法(hCSGA)、遗传算法(GA)、混合人工蜂群-遗传算法(hABCGA)进行性能比较。实验结果表明,混合布谷鸟-遗传的算法求解此类问题可行。 In view of the fact that more and more virtual simulation resources are open to the outside world in the construction of higher vocational colleges, and there are problems in the allocation of virtual simulation training room resources and the dynamic adjustment of teaching, a cuckoo genetic algorithm hybrid scheduling algorithm is proposed for practical scheduling problems such as the optimization of static allocation of resources occupied by courses, the addition and suspension of virtual simulation training resources, the addition of courses or the suspension of ongoing training. Taking the maximum time minimization of resource allocation as the optimization objective, establish the performance evaluation index of training base and training resources, adapt ft06 and other test sets for simulation verification, and compare the performance of hybrid cuckoo genetic algorithm(hCSGA), genetic algorithm(GA),and hybrid artificial bee colony genetic algorithm(hABCGA). The experimental results show that the hybrid cuckoo genetic algorithm is feasible to solve such problems.
作者 周靖 张越 由郦 Zhou Jing;Zhang Yue;You Li(Guizhou Equipment Manufacturing Vocational College,Guiyang Guizhou,550000)
出处 《电子测试》 2022年第21期55-59,共5页 Electronic Test
基金 2021年贵州省教育科学规划课题“新工科背景下职业教育机电类虚实结合一体化实训室构建与探索(2021B266)” 贵州装备制造职业学院电气工程系获批贵州省高校第二批“三全育人”综合改革试点院(系)项目 2021年贵州装备制造职业学院院级课题(ZBKY2021-014)。
关键词 虚拟仿真 布谷鸟算法 动态调度 实训资源 virtual simulation cuckoo algorithm Dynamic scheduling Training resources
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