【目的】为了打破防治苹果褐斑病药剂较单一的局面,筛选出好的轮换药剂并提升防效,进行了10%苯醚甲环唑分散粒剂对苹果褐斑病的防效试验,探讨其对褐斑病的防治效果,为今后推广使用提供可靠依据。【方法】选用10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂1000倍液、1500倍液以及倍量式波尔多液240倍液对红富士苹果褐斑病进行防效试验,3种药剂分别在2022年7月15日、7月23日各喷施1次,在喷药后第4 d、第14 d进行防治效果调查;分别在8月28日、9月15日进行落叶率的调查。【结果】10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂防治苹果褐斑病试验结果表明,与波尔多液相比较,喷药14 d后1000倍的10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂防效是18.92%,1500倍的10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂防效是8.11%。采用10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂1000倍液和1500倍液防治苹果褐斑病,8月28日落叶率分别低于对照69.3%、15.81%;9月15日落叶率分别低于对照63.88%、-20.67%。【结论】受7、8月份高温多雨气候因素的影响,建议生产上推广应用10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂1000倍液防治苹果褐斑病,可以与其他药剂如波尔多液轮换交替使用。
【Objective】In order to break the situation that the control agents of apple brown spot disease are relatively single,and to screen out good rotation agents and improve the control effect,the control effect of 10%phenoxymethyclozole granule on apple brown spot disease was tested,and the control effect of 10%difenoconazole WG on apple Marssonina Leaf Blotch was discussed,so as to provide reliable basis for future popularization and use.【Methods】Select 10%difenoconazole WG 1000-fold liquid,1500-fold liquid and 240-fold liquid of doubling-dose Bordeaux were used to control Marssonina Leaf Blotch of red Fuji apple.The three agents were sprayed once each on July 15 and 23,2022,and the control effect was investigated on the 4th and 14th day after spraying.The leaf fall rates were surveyed on August 28 and September 15 respectively.【Results】The control effect of 10%difenoconaazole WG on Marssonina Leaf Blotch was compared with that of Bordeaux liquid.After 15 days of spraying,the control effect of 1000 times 10%difenoconaazole WG was 18.92%,and that of 1500 times 10%difenoconaazole WG was 8.11%.The results showed that the defoliation rate of apple was 69.3%and 15.81%lower than that of the control group on August 28,when 1000 times and 1500 times of 10%difenoconaazole WG were used to control apple brown spot.On September 15,the leaf fall rate was 63.88%and-20.67%lower than that of the control.【Conclusion】Due to the influence of high temperature and rainy climate in July and August,it is suggested to promote the application of 1000-fold solution of 10%difenoconaazole WG to prevent apple brown spot,which can be used alternately with other agents,such as Bordeaux mixture.
FU Rong(Jinzhong Animal and Plant Quarantine Station of Shanxi Province,Jinzhong 030600,China)
Journal of Fruit Resources