

Feasibility analysis of silicone wristbands for passive collection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
摘要 多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)对人体危害巨大,目前关于人体暴露于大气环境PAHs研究主要以主动采样方式开展。硅胶腕带作为一种新的大气被动采样装置,具有体积小、价格低、耐磨耐热、无毒无味等优点,适合人体环境暴露监测。国际上研究刚起步,尚未建立完善的腕带被动采样与主动采样技术之间的定量关系。本研究于2019年秋冬季和2021年冬季在西安市城区,同时开展硅胶腕带被动采样与大气主动采样对低分子量(MW<203 g·mol^(-1))PAHs的对比实验,力求建立两者的联系。2019年和2021年西安冬季大气中低分子量PAHs浓度分别为(52.81±14.76)ng·m^(-3)和(134.59±39.48)ng·m^(-3),与前人研究相当。相对应的腕带浓度为(183.07±40.43)ng·d^(-1)和(524.99±150.32)ng·d^(-1)。Pearson相关分析发现:萘、苊烯、1-甲基萘、2-甲基萘、荧蒽以及总PAHs的主、被动采样之间显著相关(P<0.05),相关系数均大于0.4,证明硅胶腕带被动采样方法适用于低分子量PAHs的人体暴露监测。 Background,aim,and scope PAHs are tremendously harmful to human health.In previous reports,active monitoring equipment was used to collect samples and assess human exposure,which could not accurately assess individual exposure.As a new passive atmospheric sampling device,silicone wristbands are small,low in price,easy to wear,non-toxic,and odorless,which can be convenient for assessing individual exposure.Presently,the research about silicone wristbands have just started worldwide,and the quantitative relationship between passive sampling of wristbands and active samplings has not yet been established.Materials and methods In this study,a comparison between silicone wristbands and active atmospheric sampling devices for PAHs was conducted simultaneously in urban Xi’an,seeking to establish the correlation between the two.The sampling times are from October 28th to December 2nd in 2019 and January 5th to January 21st in 2021 at the Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Results This study was conducted on low molecular weight(MW<203 g·mol^(-1))PAHs.The measured atmospheric PAH concentration during sampling time was(52.81±14.76)ng·m^(-3)in winter 2019 and(134.59±39.48)ng·m^(-3)in winter 2021,respectively,which were comparable to previous studies.The corresponding silicone wristband concentration levels were(183.07±40.43)ng·d^(-1)and(524.99±150.32)ng·d^(-1).The concentrations of PAHs measured in 2021 were generally higher than those in 2019.Discussion The concentrations of PAHs measured by two sampling methods were compared,and correlation coefficients and significance levels were calculated using the Pearson correlation analysis.Significant correlations(P<0.05)were shown between the active and passive sampling results for naphthalene,acenaphthylene,1-methylnaphthalene,2-methylnaphthalene,fluoranthene and total low molecular weight PAHs in both experiments with correlation coefficients larger than 0.4.Pyrene,1-methylphenanthrene,phenanthrene and anthracene were only correlated in a single experiment.Then,the total scatter plots of PAHs significantly correlated in both experiments were plotted,and their linear fitting functions and goodness of fitting were listed.Among them,the parameter values(slope)of the overall fitting function are close to or within the range of the slope values obtained from the single experiment.The overall goodness of fitting of the two experiments for the same PAHs is higher than that of the single experiment,and the correlation between the two sampling methods shown is better.Conclusions Based on the comparison between passive sampling with silicone wristbands and active sampling with atmospheric samplers to collect PAHs at the same time and same location in urban Xi’an in 2019 and 2021,the good correlation analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis and linear fitting,indicating that the passive sampling with silicone wristbands was available to collect low molecular weight(MW<203 g·mol^(-1))PAHs.Recommendations and perspectives Passive adsorption by silicone wristbands is susceptible to environmental factors.Therefore,silicone wristbands are more suitable for higher concentrations of low molecular weight PAHs.It is also important to ensure sufficient sampling time to avoid sampling failure due to insufficient adsorption time.
作者 曹雪怡 韩永明 Ho Steven Sai Hang CAO Xueyi;HAN Yongming;Ho Steven Sai Hang(State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi’an 710061,China;Key Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi’an 710061,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2022年第6期724-731,共8页 Journal of Earth Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41991250) 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41625015)。
关键词 硅胶腕带 被动采样 主动采样 Pearson相关分析 silicone wristband passive sampling active sampling Pearson correlation analysis
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