
图书馆研学旅行服务的理论基础及实践价值 被引量:1

The Theoretical Basis and Practical Value of Library Research Travel Service
摘要 文旅融合时代,开展研学旅行服务成为图书馆服务转型的新路径。图书馆研学旅行服务迫切需要科学的理论进行指导。文章介绍了对图书馆研学旅行服务具有指导价值的理论,即体验式学习理论、建构主义学习理论、情境认知与学习理论、使用与满足理论以及价值共创理论等,并构建基于体验式学习等理论的图书馆研学旅行服务模型,提出未来图书馆研学旅行服务应构建有品质的研学场景,关注用户研学需求,提升用户研学积极性和满意度,与机构共同培育研学文化,宣传推广研学品牌等策略。 In the era of integration of culture and tourism,the library research travel service opens up a new path for the innovation of library.As a kind of library innovation practice,the library research travel service keeps moving forward in the exploration.This paper introduces the experiential learning theory,the constructivist learning theory,the situational cognition and learning theory,the use and the satisfaction theory and the value co-creation theory which have guiding value for library research travel service,and constructs a theoretical model of library research travel service based on the experiential learning theory.In the future,the library research travel service should build a high-quality research travel scene,pay attention to the research travel needs of users,improve the enthusiasm and satisfaction of users,jointly cultivate the culture with institutions,and promote the brand.
作者 高春玲 宋金劢 GAO Chun-ling;SONG Jin-mai(School of Government Management,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian116021,China)
出处 《大学图书情报学刊》 2023年第1期3-7,共5页 Journal of Academic Library and Information Science
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“文旅融合背景下辽宁省公共图书馆研学旅行服务研究”(L19BTQ003)。
关键词 图书馆 研学旅行 体验式学习 文旅融合 library research travel experiential learning integration of culture and tourism
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