
接诉即办中党员干部担当作为的表现和促进———基于北京市100个案例的分析 被引量:1

Performance and Promotion of Party Member Cadres’“Taking Responsibilities and Actions”in Swift Response to Public Complaints—Based on the Analysis of 100 Cases in Beijing
摘要 担当作为是新时代选拔和评价干部的重要标准。近年来,北京市推出的接诉即办改革对党员干部担当作为提出了新要求。通过分析北京市接诉即办工作的100个优秀案例,可以发现接诉即办中党员干部的担当作为包括政治担当、工作担当、善于作为和大有作为四个维度,每个维度亦各有其具体表现;分属于压力型机制、锦标赛机制和心理赋能机制的多种手段可有效用于促进党员干部的担当作为。其中,压力型机制、锦标赛机制已被党政部门广泛使用,也得到学术界较多研究,但心理赋能机制在北京市接诉即办工作中的应有价值还没有得到充分彰显,而通过建构理论模型对认识担当作为的本质及其促进方法的设计具有启发意义。鉴于心理赋能机制在激发治理主体自主动机方面的潜力还没有得到应有的发挥,有必要从社会治理心理学的视角,积极开展对接诉即办工作中作为治理主体的党员干部心理和行为的相关研究,通过心理赋能,加强其心理建设,从内生动力层面促进广大党员干部在基层治理实践中担当作为。 “Being able to take responsibilities and actions”is an important standard for selecting and evaluating cadres in the new era.In recent years,the reform of“Swift Response to Public Complaints(SRPC)”launched in Beijing has put forward new require⁃ments for Party member cadres to take responsibilities and actions.This study analyzes 100 outstanding cases of SRPC in Beijing,and tries to extract the conceptual connotation,typical performance and promotion mechanism of“taking responsibilities and actions”.The results show that“taking responsibilities and actions”in Party member cadres includes four dimensions:political responsibility,work responsibility,good performance and great achievement,and each dimension has its own specific performance.Various means belong⁃ing to the pressure mechanism,tournament mechanism and psychological empowerment mechanism can be effectively used to promote Party member cadres to take responsibilities and actions.Among them,the pressure mechanism and the championship mechanism have been widely used by the Party and government departments,and have also been studied by the academic circle.However,the value of psychological empowerment mechanism in the work in Beijing has not been fully demonstrated.The theoretical construction of this study has enlightening significance for understanding the essence of“taking responsibilities and actions”and the design of its promotion methods.In view of the fact that the potential of the psychological empowerment mechanism in stimulating the autonomous motivation of the governance subject has not been given full play to,it is necessary to actively carry out research on the psychology and behavior of the Party members and cadres as the governance subject in the immediate litigation work from the perspective of social governance psy⁃chology,strengthen their psychological construction through psychological empowerment,and promote the majority of Party members and cadres to play their role in the grass-roots governance practice from the perspective of endogenous power.
作者 辛自强 Xin Ziqiang
出处 《中州学刊》 北大核心 2023年第1期26-36,共11页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“接诉即办中党员干部担当作为的内生动力和行为模式研究”(22GLA002)。
关键词 城市治理 接诉即办 担当作为 心理赋能 city governance swift response to public complaints taking responsibilities and actions psychological empowerment
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