
全球视野下数字人民币PEST-SWOT分析 被引量:3

PEST-SWOT Analysis of E-CNY from a Global Perspective
摘要 近年来,世界各国中央银行竞相开展法定数字货币(CBDC)相关研发,以中国为代表的部分国家先行开展了试点。本文在已有文献的基础上,首先,对世界各国已发行或计划发行的法定数字货币进行了系统的国际比较,分析其数字货币的信用背书、发行动机、发行机制、技术路线和主要特征;其次,着重运用PESTSWOT矩阵,以全球视野,从政治、经济、社会与技术四个宏观环境方面,比较分析数字人民币相较其他法定数字货币和私有数字货币的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战;最后,给出进一步积极稳妥推进数字人民币研发的针对性的政策建议。 In recent years,central banks around the world have been competing to carry out research and development related to legal digital currency(CBDC),with some countries,represented by China,carrying out pilot projects first. Based on the existing literature,this paper firstly,makes a systematic international comparison of the legal digital currencies issued or planned to be issued in various countries around the world,analyzing their credit backing,issuance motives,issuance mechanisms,technical routes and main features of digital currencies;Secondly,the PESTSWOT matrix is used to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of digital RMB compared with other legal digital currencies and private digital currencies from a global perspective in four macro-environmental aspects: politics, economy, society and technology;finally, targeted policy recommendations are made to promote the research and development of e-CNY actively and steadily.
作者 周光友 杨洁萌 Zhou Guangyou;Yang Jiemeng(School of Economics,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《金融发展研究》 北大核心 2022年第12期3-12,共10页 Journal Of Financial Development Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“依托中非命运共同体建设推动数字人民币国际化研究”(21&ZD117)。
关键词 数字人民币 法定数字货币 PEST-SWOT分析 国际比较 E-CNY legal digital currency PEST-SWOT Analysis international comparison
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