M&A in China’s capital market is very active, and the problem of insider trading derived from M&A deserve attention. Taking the major asset restructuring events implemented by China’s listed companies from 2010 to 2020 as a sample, the research draws the following conclusions: first,the higher the M&A premium rate, the greater expected increase in stock price and potential income of trading, and the more serious insider trading. Second, compared with the sample without performance commitment, the insider trading derived from M&A with performance commitment is more serious. High performance commitment is a signal that the acquired company has strong profitability, which directly pushes up the M&A premium rate and stimulates the rise of stock price,and the more serious insider trading will be triggered. Third, Heterogeneity analysis shows that the payment method of M&A affects the degree of insider trading, and the insider trading derived from M&A with share based payment is more serious. The valuation method of M&A also affects the degree of insider trading, and the insider trading derived from M&A valued by income method is more serious. Therefore, reasonably reducing the M&A premium rate in the reorganization process,strictly standardizing the performance commitment and income method valuation process in the reorganization, and preventing M&A information as a means to stimulate stock prices are methods to curb insider trading.
Li Zhen;Xia Zhongbao
Financial Theory and Practice