
长江流域湖北片区典型城市水生态环境问题解析及整治对策 被引量:7

Analysis of water eco-environmental problems and related countermeasures for typical cities in Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin
摘要 为了改善长江流域湖北片区城市水生态环境,从水环境、水资源、水生态和水安全4个方面解析了片区内城市水生态环境特征及问题,并对主要污染源的污染负荷进行分析和估算。结果表明,生活源是片区内城市的主要污染源,对片区化学需氧量、氨氮、总氮和总磷的贡献率分别为68.75%、76.58%、75.82%和80.46%,片区内城市存在管网建设滞后,污水处理厂超负荷运行,工业磷化工、磷矿、磷石膏(“三磷”)污染问题突出,水资源供需矛盾显著,水体富营养化严重和水安全保障能力不足等问题。针对以上问题,结合片区内城市的实际情况,分别从以下几方面提出水生态环境综合整治对策:生活源治理需加大管网建设力度,对污水处理厂进行提质增效;工业源治理重点解决“三磷”问题;水资源方面,坚持以水定城、量水发展,构建节水型城市;水生态方面,加强河湖缓冲带建设,恢复生物多样性;水安全方面,加强风险管控,建立健全应急预警机制等。 In order to improve the urban water ecological environment in Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin,the characteristics and problems of the urban water eco-environment in the region were investigated from the aspects of water environment,water resources,water ecology and water security.The discharge load of the main pollution sources were analyzed and estimated.The results showed that the domestic sewage was the main pollution source in the region,and COD,NH3-N,TN and TP from the domestic wastewater accounted for 68.75%,76.58%,75.82%and80.46%,respectively,of the total pollutant discharge from these cities.The main reasons for the urban water ecoenvironmental problems included the lagging of pipe network construction,overloaded operation of sewage treatment plants,prominent problems of industrial phosphorus chemical industry,phosphate rock and phosphogypsum(briefly called"three phosphorus"),significant contradiction between supply and demand of water resources,serious eutrophication of water bodies and insufficient water safety assurance capacity.In view of the above problems,combined with the actual situation of the cities in the region,the comprehensive improvement countermeasures for water eco-environment were put forward from various aspects.For living sources,the construction of pipe networks should be increased,and the quality and efficiency of sewage treatment plants be improved.For industrial sources,solving the"three phosphorus"problems should be focused on.For water resources,it should adhere to the principle of determining the city by water,developing by the amount of water,and building a water-saving city.In terms of water ecology,the construction of river and lake buffer zone and the biodiversity restoration should be strengthened.And for water security,risk control should be enhanced and emergency warning mechanisms should be established and improved.
作者 张妍妍 王峥 邱斌 孙德智 ZHANG Yanyan;WANG Zheng;QIU Bin;SUN Dezhi(Beijing Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Source Control Technology,Beijing Forestry University;Research Center for Water Pollution Source Control and Eco-Remediation,Beijing Forestry University)
出处 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期27-35,共9页 Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
基金 国家长江生态环境保护修复联合研究项目(第一期)(2021-长江项目-001-W-004)。
关键词 长江流域湖北片区 城市水生态环境 问题解析 整治对策 Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin urban water eco-environment problem analysis comprehensive countermeasures
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