

Finite Element Simulation of Force Analysis of Plain Concrete Pile and Reinforced Concrete Pile From Secant Piles
摘要 咬合桩在国内应用的越来越广泛,为了明确咬合桩中荤桩与素桩受力特点,基于数值模拟软件分析,对咬合桩中不同桩径的荤桩和素桩受力特点展开研究。利用ABAQUS软件建立咬合桩数值模型,并根据软件数值模拟的计算结果分别对荤桩和素桩的承载力进行分析,揭示桩径与荤桩和素桩受力特性的关系,并对咬合桩工作过程中素桩对其整体刚度的贡献和承载性能等问题进行了探讨。研究结果表明,荤桩的承载能力比素桩要好,随着桩径的增加,荤桩和素桩的承载能力都逐渐增加;其中素桩的抗拉能力较差,但是仍然可以提高咬合桩的整体性能,对咬合桩的整体刚度有很大的贡献。研究结果对于进一步明确桩径对咬合桩的承载力和受力特性的影响具有重要的工程意义。 Secant piles are more and more widely used in China.In order to clarify the stress characteristics of the reinforced concrete piles and plain concrete piles in secant piles,study concerning various pile diameters was performed based on numerical simulation analysis.The finite element software,ABAQUS,was used to establish a numerical model,and the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete piles and plain concrete piles was analyzed according to the simulation results,revealing the relationship between the pile diameter and the mechanical characteristics of the reinforced concrete piles and plain concrete ones.Furthermore,the contribution of plain concrete piles to the overall stiffness and bearing capacity during the working process of the secant piles was investigated.The results show that the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete piles is better than that of plain concrete piles.With increased pile diameter,the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete piles and plain concrete piles increases gradually.The tensile capacity of plain concrete piles is poor,but it still can improve the overall performance of the secant piles and contribute greatly to the overall stiffness.The research results are of important engineering significance for further clarifying the influence of pile diameter on the bearing capacity and mechanical characteristics of the secant piles.
作者 李恒 谢洪阳 曹开伟 罗靓 邓勇 LI Heng;XIE Hong-yang;CAO Kai-wei;LUO Liang;DENG Yong(School of civil Engineering and Architecture,Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China;Jiangxi Zhongheng Underground Space Technology Co.,Ltd,Nanchang 330052,China)
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第4期82-88,共7页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Natural Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金(52068054)。
关键词 咬合桩 有限元分析 桩体位移 力学性能 secant piles finite element analysis pile displacement mechanical properties
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