
英国国际教育影响研究 被引量:3

Research on the Impact of International Education of Britain
摘要 英国国际教育对其国内的文化、社会、经济都带来了深刻的影响,通过平等与多样化的教育特点推进英国多元化文化的发展。英国国际教育的发展使得英国传统教育在国际舞台上扮演了十分重要的角色,对英国的国家建设起到重要作用,其发展推动了英语作为通用语言在国际上的迅速扩张,并且影响英国团队精神的发展。此外,英国国际教育对英国社会、经济、文化都带来了深刻的影响,也对世界教育的发展产生了重要作用。 British international education has had a profound impact on its domestic culture, society, and economy. British international education promotes the development of British multiculturalism through the characteristics of equality and diversity. The development of British international education has made British traditional education play a very important role on the international stage and played an important role in the country’s development. British international education has promoted the rapid expansion of English as a common language in the world and has affected the development of British team spirit. In addition, British international education has had a profound impact on British society, economy and culture, and has also played an important role in the development of world education.
作者 鞠光宇 曹冰洁 JU Guangyu;CAO Bingjie
出处 《中国人民大学教育学刊》 CSSCI 2023年第1期110-121,共12页 Renmin University of China Education Journal
关键词 国际教育 文化 经济 社会 国际 International Education Culture Economics Society International
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  • 2Alex Auletta, "A retrospective View of the Colombo Plan: government policy, departmental administration and overseas students," Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, May 2000, pp. 47-58.
  • 3A. N. Porter and A. J. Stockwell, British Imperial Policy and Decolonization, 1938 - 1964, Vol. 1, the Macmillan Press, 1987, pp. 63-64.
  • 4Arthur Tange, "Political Objectives of the Colombo Plan," 19 March, 1952, (NAA: A1838, 3004/11,part. 1 ) , http: //www. pandanusbooks. com. au/online _ addenda/PB41B/documents/colombo_1. pdf.
  • 5Daniel Wolfstone, " the Colombo Plan after Ten Years" , Far Eastern Economic Review, Vol. 33, No. 5,1961, p. 221,219-220,220,224-225.
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  • 10Russell H. Fifield, Southeast Asia in United States Policy, Frederick A. Praeger, Inc, 1963, pp. 276-277.












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