目的山地城市地铁相较于平原城市地铁具有爬坡大且曲线多的复杂线路特点,其钢轨波磨问题更加严重。探究山地城市地铁制动区间钢轨波磨的形成机理,提出相应钢轨波磨的控制方法。方法首先,结合现场调研建立了轮对-轨道-制动系统的有限元模型。然后,采用复特征值分析法研究了轮对-轨道-制动系统的摩擦自激振动特性,进而对制动闸片的表面织构及扣件参数进行参数化分析。最后,基于最小二乘法,采用2种拟合方程对扣件参数进行多参数拟合,并采用遗传算法与粒子群算法确定抑制钢轨波磨扣件参数的最优解。结果发现轮对-轨道-制动系统存在2个不稳定振动频率,分别为653.73 Hz与584.76 Hz,其中653.73 Hz的复特征值实部较大,为46.53。对比不同表面织构,采用正六边形织构表面闸片的轮对-轨道-制动系统复特征值实部最小,为19.46。对比扣件参数优化前后,采用优化后的扣件参数的轮对-轨道-制动系统复特征值实部较小,为0.49。结论轮轨子系统与制动子系统的摩擦耦合作用导致轮对-轨道-制动系统摩擦自激振动,是诱导山地城市地铁制动区间钢轨波磨产生的重要因素。当采用正六边形表面织构闸片或设置扣件参数中垂向刚度为36.2 MN/m,垂向阻尼为2800 N·s/m,横向刚度为25 MN/m,横向阻尼为2000 N·s/m时能有效抑制钢轨波磨的产生。
Compared with flat city metro,mountain city metro has the characteristics of complex lines with large climbing slopes and many curves.Its rail corrugation forms are more diverse.This paper is aimed at exploring the generation mechanism of rail corrugation in braking section of mountain city metro,and proposing relevant control method of rail corrugation.Based on the theory that rail corrugation is induced by friction self-excited vibration,the rail corrugation in braking section of mountain city metro is studied.Firstly,according to the field investigation of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 10,it is found that the rail corrugation with wavelength of 40-50 mm occurs frequently in braking section of mountain city metro.After that,combined with the field investigation,the contact model of the wheelset-track-brake system is obtained.According to the contact model of the wheelset-track-brake system,the finite element model of the wheelset-track-brake system is built.Then,the friction self-excited vibration characteristics of the wheelset-track-brake system are studied by complex eigenvalue analysis method.Furthermore,the influence of fastener parameters and surface texture of brake pad on the friction self-excited vibration characteristics of the wheelset-track-brake system is studied.Two fitting equations are applied to fit the fastener parameters by least square method.The root mean square error of fitting equation I is 3.99,and the root mean square error of fitting equationⅡis 4.39.Based on the two fitting equations,the optimal solution of fastener parameters is obtained by genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm.The results show that there are two unstable vibration frequencies of 653.73 Hz and 584.76 Hz in the wheel set-track-brake system.Under the corresponding modes,both rails occur unstable vibration.The real part of the complex eigenvalue of 653.73 Hz is larger,which is 46.53.Comparing surface texture and no surface texture of brake pad,it is found that the real part of the complex eigenvalue of the wheelset-track-brake system with surface texture of brake pad is smaller.Comparing different surface textures of brake pad,the real part of the complex eigenvalue of the wheelset-track-brake system with regular hexagonal texture of brake pad is the smallest,which is 19.46.Comparing four fastener parameters,it is found that vertical stiffness and lateral stiffness of fastener parameters have a great influence on the friction self-excited vibration characteristics of the wheelset-track-brake system.Comparing fastener parameters before and after optimization,the real part of the complex eigenvalue of the wheelset-track-brake system with the optimal solution of fastener parameters is smaller,which is 0.49.In conclusion,the friction between wheelset-rail subsystem and brake subsystem leads to the friction self-excited vibration of the wheelset-track-brake system.And it is an important factor to induce rail corrugation in braking section of mountain city metro.Surface texture of brake pad and Vertical stiffness and lateral stiffness of fastener parameters have obvious effects on the generation of rail corrugation.And rail corrugation can be effectively suppressed,when regular hexagonal surface texture of brake pad is adopted,or when vertical stiffness of fastener is 36.2 MN/m,vertical damping of fastener is 2800 N·s/m,lateral stiffness of fastener is 25 MN/m,lateral damping of fastener is 2000 N·s/m.
CUI Xiao-lu;YIN Yue;BAO Peng-yu;TANG Chuan-ping;QI Wei(School of Mechanotronics&Vehicle Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;Chongqing Rail Transit(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 401120,China)
Surface Technology
rail corrugation
friction self-excited vibration
complex eigenvalue analysis
surface texture
fastener optimization
particle swarm optimization