

The Main Approaches,Historical Achievements and Experience of Enlightenment of Strengthening Primary Level Party Organization Building in Tibet Since the 18th CPC National Congress
摘要 基层党组织建设是透视和解析党的十八大以来西藏生产力水平大幅跃升、经济持续快速发展、人民生活水平极大提高、民族团结日益巩固、社会治理成效显著等辉煌成就的重要视角。党的基层组织建设全面加强,“治国必治边、治边先稳藏”战略思想的提出及其实践,西藏步入长治久安和高质量发展的新时代是党的十八大以来西藏加强基层党组织建设的现实背景。这一时期,西藏实现了基层党组织网络化与基层党建协同化不断加强、基层党组织的整体功能拓展强化、党员干部队伍高质量发展、党建助力决战决胜脱贫攻坚、党建引领基层治理聚势增能等辉煌成就。回顾党的十八大以来西藏基层党组织建设的历程,可以得出以下基本经验:服务党和国家工作全局是其首要遵循;党中央的关心重视和坚强领导是其发展的根本保证;党的政治建设是其关键环节;铸牢中华民族共同体意识是其肩负的时代使命。 The building of primary-level Party organizations has been an important perspective to observe and analyze the greatly increase of productivity level,constant and rapid economic development,huge improve of people’s livelihood,ethnic unity increasingly consolidated,notable achievements of social governance since the 18th CPC National Congress. Primary-level Party comprehensively strengthened,the put forward and thoroughly practice of “to govern the county well we must first govern frontiers well,to the govern the frontiers well we must ensure the stability in Tibet” policy,Tibet enters the phrase of long-lasting stability and Hi-quality development are the practical backgrounds of strengthening the primary-level party buildings since the 18th CPC National Congress. Tibet has achieved splendid achievements such as the continuous strengthening of the network of grass-roots party organizations and the synergy of grass-roots party building,the overall function expansion and strengthening of grass-roots party organizations,the high-quality development of party members and cadres,the party building to help decisively win the battle against poverty,and the party building to lead grass-roots governance. Reviewing the course of the construction of grass-roots party organizations in Tibet since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the following basic experiences can be drawn: serving the overall situation of the party and the country is its primary adherence;the attention and strong leadership of the Party Central Committee is the fundamental guarantee for its development;Political construction is its key link;it is its mission of the times to forge a sense of community of the Chinese nation.
作者 鄢鹏 Yan Peng(School of Marxism,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《西藏研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期15-24,共10页 Tibetan Studies
基金 2021年度国家民委民族研究项目“新时代党的治藏方略视域下西藏基层党组织建设研究”(项目编号:2021-GMD-108)阶段性成果。
关键词 基层党组织 建设 西藏 Primary-level Party Organizations Party-Building Tibet
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