
新时代党内政治生态建设的理论溯源、内涵布展及价值意蕴 被引量:1

The Theoretical Origin,Connotation and Value Implication of Intraparty Political Ecological Construction in the New Era
摘要 习近平关于党内政治生态建设重要论述是在历史继承和实践创新基础上得出的科学论断,是建立在马克思主义经典作家和中国化马克思主义者关于党的建设理论基础上形成的科学概念。新时代党内政治生态的净化是一项系统工程。进入新时代,习近平围绕如何净化党内政治生态提出了一系列新观点、新思想,以全新视野深化了对党内政治生态建设的认识,具体内容从五大层面不断延伸:始终坚守理想信念,规范党内政治生活,严明政治纪律和政治规矩,树牢正确选人用人导向,抓好“关键少数”。这一系列重要论述,对于加强党的政治建设,营造积极健康的党内政治文化,巩固新时代党的执政地位和执政基础,实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重大指导意义。 Xi Jinping’s important discourse on the construction of intraparty political ecology is a scientific assertion based on historical inheritance and practical innovations, which is a scientific concept developed on the basis of the political Party building theories proposed by classical Marxists and Chinese Marxists. In the new era, the purification of intraparty political ecology is a systematic project. Entering a new period, Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new ideas and thoughts on how to purify the intraparty political ecology, the understanding of the construction of the intraparty political ecology has been deepened from a new vision, and the contents are extended from five major aspects: consistently adhering to the ideals and beliefs;regulating intraparty political life;strictly enforcing political discipline and political rules;firmly establishing the correct orientation in personnel selection and employment;and grasping the “key minority”. The series of important arguments are of great significance in strengthening the political construction of the Party, creating a positive and healthy intraparty political culture, consolidating the Party’s governing status and foundation in the new era, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 赵志阳 Zhao Zhiyang(Teaching and Research Department of History of the Communist Party of China,Henan Provincial Party School,Zhengzhou,Henan,450046)
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期1-12,共12页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
基金 研究阐释党的十九届六中全会精神国家社会科学基金重大项目“新时代推进马克思主义学习型政党建设研究”(项目编号:22ZDA036)。
关键词 习近平 政治生态 党内政治生活 从严治党 Xi Jinping political ecology intraparty political life strict governance over the Party
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