
Formation and Evolution of Comets

摘要 Although people have studied comets for a long time and used spacecraft to detect comets in a short distance,the formation time and causes of comets are still unresolved.Therefore,according to the formation and evolution law of planets and the dynamic mechanism,the author thoroughly revealed the formation and evolution of comets:A powerful storm cyclone on Neptune,such as the Great Dark Spot,can involve a large number of clouds.These clouds are gradually cooled and compressed in the process of rapidly sinking along the spiral path,and then condense into huge water ice crystals at the bottom of the cyclone;When such a crystal falls into a deep hole filled with liquid hydrogen,it is easy to collide violently with the boulders in the hole,and instantly ignite the liquid hydrogen in the hole.Under the strong push of high-pressure gas,some fragments of the ice crystal can quickly reach a very high initial speed.Especially when the jet direction of the Great Dark Spot is consistent with the direction of Neptune’s revolution speed,such fragments can quickly reach Neptune’s escape speed of 23.56 km/s.Therefore,the fragments can break away from Neptune and enter an elliptical orbit around the sun,becoming a comet.Similarly,when the metal hydrogen at the bottom of a Great Red Spot on Jupiter explodes in a series,the fragments ejected from the Great Red Spot can reach the escape speed of Jupiter of 60 km/s,therefore,such fragments can break away from Jupiter and enter the elliptical orbit around the sun to become comets.Many of these comets can become asteroids in the asteroid belt,which is the formation principle of the asteroid belt.
机构地区 Department of Physics
出处 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2022年第1期1-5,共5页 物理科学与应用(英文版)
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