
聚焦新时代主题 拓展学术研究新格局

Concentrate on the Topic of the New Era and Broaden the New Academic Research Pattern
摘要 在“马克思主义中国化新的飞跃”这一时代主题下,亟须大力拓展学术研究的新格局,拿出具有原创性、时代性、系统性的研究成果,更充分地展现中华文明多方位的光辉成就,阐释其深邃智慧和创造活力,以此有力地证明“马克思主义中国化”这一伟大事业向前推进的逻辑根由和力量源泉。在本文总结的“五大纲目”中,首先诠释中华优秀传统文化与马克思主义之间何以能互相契合的哲理依据;再从唯物主义思想资料、辩证发展的观点、反抗压迫的精神与同情民众苦难的情怀、大同理想四项,提炼出中华优秀传统文化民主性、科学性精华之所在。“五大纲目”提纲挈领,互相构成有机联系,既具有突出的继承性,又凸显创造性品格。 The theme of A New Leap in the Sinicization of Marxism calls for a vigorous expansion of academic research,the production of original,current,and systematic findings,and the full display of the glorious accomplishments of Chinese civilization in a variety of domains,as well as an explanation of its profound wisdom and creative vitality.This is a potent demonstration of the logical foundation and source of power for the important cause of Marxism s adaptation to the Chinese context.The five outlines that make up this paper s summary first explain the philosophical underpinnings of how Marxism and Chinese excellent traditional culture can coexist.Next,the democratic and scientific essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture is gleaned from four different perspectives:materialistic ideological materials,a dialectical development perspective,the spirit of resisting oppression and having sympathy for people s suffering,and the ideal of great harmony.The five outlines connect to one another organically,highlighting both creative character and outstanding inheritance.
作者 陈其泰 张爱芳 CHEN Qi-tai;ZHANG Ai-fang(School of History,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875;National Library Press,Beijing 100034)
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第1期61-65,108,共6页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中华优秀传统文化与马克思主义相贯通 唯物主义思想资料 辩证发展的观点 反抗压迫的精神 大同理想 The Integration between Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture and Marxism Materialistic Ideological Materials Dialectical Development Perspective the Spirit of Resistance to Oppression the Ideal of Great Harmony
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