
柠条生物炭结构与表征 被引量:1

Structure and Characterization of Caragana korshinskii Kom. Biochar
摘要 生物质炭化过程结构变化可以通过有机元素含量和官能团加以表征。以柠条为试验对象,分析柠条生物质原料,以及分别在200、300、400、500和600°C温度下炭化处理得到的生物炭中C、H、O、N和S共5种有机元素的含量变化,研究了生物炭有机元素在热裂解过程中的变化规律;分析原料和不同温度下生物炭官能团的组成,研究了热裂解温度对生物炭结构的影响。结果表明,随着炭化温度的升高,C元素含量增加,H和O元素含量均显著下降,N和S元素含量则基本保持不变,H/C和O/C物质的量比均下降。有机官能团的变化表明,随着炭化温度的升高,生物炭逐渐由线型多糖向稠环芳烃结构转变,最终形成类似于石墨烯的结构。 Change of biomass carbonization structure can be characterized by organic element content and functional group. Taking Caragana korshinskii Kom. as experimental object,changes of organic elements in pyrolysis process of biochar were studied by contents of C, H, O, N and S in Caragana korshinskii Kom. biomass raw materials and biochar carbonized at 200, 300, 400, 500 and600 °C. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on structure of biochar were studied by analyzing composition of functional groups of biochar at different temperatures. Results showed that with increase of carbonization temperature,content of C element increased,contents of H and O decreased significantly, and contents of N and S elements remained basically unchanged. Both H/C and O/C molar ratios decreased. Changing of functional groups of biomass with increasing of temperature indicated biochar gradually changed from linear polysaccharide to thick cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon structure,and finally formed a structure similar to graphene.
作者 邢泽炳 吴晓东 谷晓霞 张瑞卿 刘春玲 范华 XING Zebing;WU Xiaodong;GU Xiaoxia;ZHANG Ruiqing;LIU Chunling;FAN Hua(School of Engineering,Shanxi Agriculture University,Jinzhong Shanxi 030801,China;Centre of Experimental Education,Shanxi Agriculture University,Jinzhong Shanxi 030801,China)
出处 《农业工程》 2022年第10期37-43,共7页 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
基金 山西省重点研发计划项目(201903D211002) 山西省留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目(2018-123)。
关键词 柠条 生物炭 有机元素 官能团 结构表征 Caragana korshinskii Kom. biochar organic elements function groups structure characterization
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