
2型糖尿病患者低血糖恐惧感与心理痛苦的相关性研究 被引量:8

Correlation Between Hypoglycemia Fear and Psychological Distress in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
摘要 目的调查2型糖尿病(diabetes mellitus type 2,T2DM)患者心理痛苦的现状,分析其影响因素,并探讨心理痛苦与低血糖恐惧感的相关性。方法采用一般资料调查问卷、糖尿病痛苦量表(diabetes distress scale,DDS)和中文低血糖恐惧量表-忧虑量表(Chinese version hypoglycemia fear survryⅡ-worry scale,CHFSⅡ-WS)。采用便利抽样方法,对长沙市3所三级甲等综合性医院的231例T2DM患者进行问卷调查。结果87.45%患者存在心理痛苦,其中0.87%患者存在重度心理痛苦。在DDS各维度中,生活规律得分最高(2.97±0.67)分。多元线性回归显示,他人支持、居住地、居住情况是T2DM心理痛苦的影响因素(P<0.05),心理痛苦与低血糖恐惧感呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论T2DM患者心理痛苦处于中等水平,低血糖恐惧感水平较低且有待改善。医护人员应重视患者心理状况,制定针对性的干预措施,来降低T2DM患者的心理痛苦水平和低血糖恐惧感,提高患者的生活质量和治疗依从性。 Objective To investigate the status of psychological distress in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2(T2 DM),analyze its influencing factors,and explore the correlation between psychological distress and hypoglycemia fear.Methods General data questionnaire,diabetes distress scale(DDS)and Chinese version hypoglycemia fear survryⅡ-worry scale(CHFSⅡ-WS)were performed.A questionnaire survey was conducted in 231 patients with T2 DM in 3 class A tertiary hospitals in Changsha city.Results 87.45%of the patients had psychological distress,of which 0.87%had severe psychological distress.Among the dimensions of DDS,the score of regular life was the highest(2.97±0.67).Multiple linear regression showed that other people′s support,place of residence and living conditions were the influencing factors of psychological distress in T2 DM(P<0.05),and there was a positive correlation between psychological distress and hypoglycemia fear(P<0.05).Conclusion The psychological distress in patients with T2 DM is at a moderate level,and the level of hypoglycemia fear is low and needs to be improved.Medical staff should pay attention to the psychological status of the patients and formulate targeted intervention measures,so as to reduce psychological distress level and hypoglycemia fear of the patients,improve quality of life and treatment compliance of the patients with T2 DM.
作者 全晶晶 罗雅文 黄紫仪 孙欣 QUAN Jingjing;LUO Yawen;HUANG Ziyi;SUN Xin(School of Nursing,Changsha Medical College,Changsha Hunan 410219,China)
出处 《华南国防医学杂志》 CAS 2022年第10期825-829,共5页 Military Medical Journal of South China
基金 2020年度湖南省大学生创新创业训练计划项目[湘教通(2020)191号-3953]。
关键词 2型糖尿病 心理痛苦 低血糖恐惧感 影响因素 Diabetes mellitus type 2 Psychological distress Hypoglycemia fear Influencing factor
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