

The legislative evolution and enlightenment of the cause of death investigation in Japan
摘要 二战后的日本死因究明制度受到了大陆法系司法解剖制度与美国监察医制度的双重影响,其按照本国的实践情况逐渐发展出了目的多元化的死因究明模式。从日本死因究明制度立法演进与最新立法成果来看,日本从公益性角度出发,较早认识到了旧死因究明方式的局限性和尸体解剖数据对社会的积极意义,其以提高非正常死亡解剖率为核心,逐渐完善本国的死因究明制度,以此减少因“死因不明”带来的各种社会问题。日本死因究明立法演进历史的事实基础、立法经验,对我国相关制度立法具有多方面借鉴意义。我国宜基于及时全面发现事实真相;维系公民人格尊严与公共卫生安全;发挥死因调查独立价值等多元立法理念,以健全的法律体系助力尸体解剖与死因调查标准化与精细化分类,以全面、全程规范的制度和完善的机制实现死因调查对社会的积极贡献。 Japan’s cause of death investigation system was influenced by both the judicial autopsy system of the civil law system and the U.S. medical examiner system after World War Ⅱ, and it gradually developed a multi-purpose death investigation model in accordance with the practice of the country. From the perspective of the legislative evolution and the latest legislative achievements of Japan’s cause of death investigation system, Japan, from the perspective of public welfare, has earlier recognized the limitations of the old cause of death investigation methods and the positive significance of autopsy data to society. It focuses on improving the anatomical rate of unnatural death, and gradually improves its own cause of death investigation system, so as to reduce various social problems caused by "unknown cause(s) of death". The factual bases and legislative experience of the legislative evolution history of Japan’s cause of death investigation have many references for China’s relevant institutional legislation. The Chinese legislation should be based on multiple legislative concepts such as timely and comprehensive discovery of the truth, maintaining the dignity of citizens and public health security, and giving full play to the independent value of cause of death investigation, use a sound legal system to help standardize and refine the classification of autopsy and cause of death investigation, and achieve the positive contribution of cause of death investigation to society with a comprehensive, standardized system and mechanism.
作者 赵东 袁培入 Zhao Dong;Yuan Peiru(“20ll Plan”China Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization,Beijing,10008;The Key Laboratory of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of the Ministry of Education,CUPL,Beijing,10008)
出处 《证据科学》 2022年第5期628-638,共11页 Evidence Science
基金 中国工程院重点咨询项目“法医科学与社会治理法治化战略关系研究”(2019-XZ-31) 中国政法大学研究生产学研项目“中国与日本死因查明制度的比较研究”(CXY2012)成果。
关键词 死因究明 司法解剖 非正常死亡 监察医务院 Cause of death investigation Judicial autopsy Unnatural death Medicine examiner
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