El Genting Resort se prepara
1安然.漫漫冬日 开启暖心之旅[J].时尚北京,2023(1):94-97.
2Marina Celly Martins Ribeiro de Souza,Natalia de Cassia Horta,Marco Aurélio Santos Pereira,Júlia das Graças Rodrigues de Almeida,Jasmine Yee,Leonardo Ayres Cordeiro,TaináRodrigues Gomide Souza Pinto,Constance Kartoz.Person-centered Care for Institutionalized Older Adults in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil[J].Journal of Geriatric Medicine,2022,4(1):1-9.
3高礼杰,LI Donglin(译).From“Reasoning”to“Intercession”:A Narrative Approach to Dispel the Conflict on Human Rights Concepts[J].The Journal of Human Rights,2022,21(4):695-712.
4Giovanni Guido,Abele Bianchi.A Novelty Solution to the Neutron Anomaly (An Anomalous Neutron or “Dark”?)[J].Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology,2023,9(1):353-378.
5Yongqiu Wei,Peng Li,Shutian Zhang.From surgery to endoscopy:the evolution of the bariatric discipline[J].Chinese Medical Journal,2022,135(20):2427-2435. 被引量:2