
海口东寨港自然保护区红树林变化及其与周边社区关联分析 被引量:3

Mangrove Forest Change in Haikou Dongzhaigang Nature Reserve and Its Association with Surrounding Communities
摘要 利用1976—2021年共6期遥感影像获取了海口市东寨港红树林自然保护区范围内不同年代的湿地数据,基于转移矩阵、问卷调查和主成分分析,剖析了45年来保护区红树林的变化及其与周边社区的关系。结果显示:1)保护区内红树林面积由1976年的1395.84 hm^(2)增至2021年的1589.28 hm^(2),期间呈“骤减缓升”之势。除1976—1985年红树林面积有减少外(减少了250 hm^(2),减少幅度为18%),其余时段红树林面积均为增长态势。2)1976—2021年保护区红树林转出对象分别是淤泥质海滩(34.32 hm^(2))、河流(25.81 hm^(2))、海水养殖场(21.06 hm^(2))、其他用地(10.58 hm^(2))和洪泛湿地/内陆滩涂(8.26 hm^(2));转入为红树林的对象主要是淤泥质海滩(177.41 hm^(2))、河流(38.18 hm^(2))、其他用地(28.21 hm^(2))、三角洲/沙洲/沙岛(22.15 hm^(2))、洪泛湿地/内陆滩涂(21.79 hm^(2))和水田(6.34 hm^(2))。3)周边社区居民的捕捞收入与养殖、毁林挖塘面积、保护意识与红树林面积变化存在较大的关联性。周边社区居民问卷调查中的捕鱼方式、捕捞收入、捕捞月数、捕捞量和保护态度在红树林面积变化主成分分析中指标代表性值(cos2值)>0.6,其中捕鱼方式和捕捞收入的主成分指标cos2值>0.8。居民捕捞频率下降与家庭收入来源、职业结构由捕捞养殖向外出打工和服务业转变相互应证,居民的保护意识与保护态度有所提高,红树林面积从破坏严重向破碎化程度减少转变;淡水养殖场、常住人口、中学数量、村庄到红树林的距离因子的贡献率均大于10,与红树林面积变化呈负相关关系。 Human activities such as deforestation,farming,and uncontrolled construction have had a negative impact on mangrove areas in the Reserve.This paper explores how the mangrove area and space have changed since the establishment of the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve,as well as the relationship between this change and the community residents around the Reserve.Six remote sensing images,from 1976 to 2021,were used to obtain wetland data of different ages in the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Forest Nature Reserve in Haikou City.Using the transfer matrix,a questionnaire survey,and principal component analysis,we analyzed the changes in mangrove forests in protected areas and their relationship with surrounding communities over the past 45 years.The results show that:(1)From 1976 to 2021,the area of mangroves in the reserve has increased from1,395.84 hm^(2) in 1976 to 1,589.28 hm^(2) in 2021,showing a trend of"suddenly slowing and rising"during this period,and the proportion of mangrove area has increased from 28.6% in 1976 to 32.6% in 2021,becoming the main wetland type.The largest decline(250 hm^(2))in the mangrove area was from 1976 to 1985.The largest growth occurred from 2005 to 2018,when the mangrove area increased by 190.08 hm^(2).(2)From 1976 to 2021,91.77 hm^(2) of mangrove wetlands in the study area were converted into other wetlands,10.71 hm^(2) were converted into non-wetlands,and 267.71 hm2of other wetlands and 28.21 hm^(2) of non-wetlands were converted into mangrove wetlands.In the same period,the transfer targets of mangrove forests in the reserve were muddy beaches(34.32 hm^(2)),rivers(25.81 hm^(2)),marine aquaculture farms(21.06 hm^(2)),other land(10.58 hm^(2))and flooded wetlands/interiors.Land flats(8.26 hm^(2));silt beaches(177.41 hm^(2)),rivers(38.18 hm^(2)),other land(28.21hm^(2)),deltas/sands/sand islands(22.15 hm^(2)),flooding Wetlands/inland tidal flats(21.79 hm^(2)),and paddy fields(6.34 hm^(2))are the most common areas transferred into mangroves.(3)Fishing income from surrounding community-dwelling individuals was significantly associated with farming,disfiguring forest-digging pond areas,conservation awareness,and mangrove area variation.The factor quality of fishing practices(cos2),values of fishing practices and income,months of fishing,fishing volume,and conservation attitude in the surrounding community residents accounted for more than 0.6 in the principal component analysis of area change of mangrove forests,where the factor quality of fishing practices and fishing income were more than 0.8.The decline in residential fishing frequency corresponds with the shift in household income sources,the occupational move from fishing to wage and service industries,the obvious increase in conservation awareness and the conservation attitude of residents,and the transformation of the mangrove area away from serious destruction to less fragmentation.The contributions of freshwater farms,resident population,number of secondary schools,and village to mangrove distance factors were all greater than 10 and negatively correlated with mangrove area change.Therefore,it is necessary to explore the relationship between mangroves and community residents to obtain a scientific reference for the utilization,protection,restoration,and management of mangroves in the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve.
作者 辜晓虹 邱彭华 陈卫 周文芊 陈晓娟 杨仕莉 Gu Xiaohong;Qiu Penghua;Chen Wei;Zhou Wenqian;Chen Xiaojuan;Yang Shili(College of Geography and Environmental Sciences,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158,China)
出处 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期43-58,共16页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42061048) 海南省院士创新平台及其科研专项(YSPTZX202128)。
关键词 红树林自然保护区 社区居民 关联分析 东寨港 海口 mangrove nature reserve community residents association analysis Dongzhai Port Haikou
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