

Micromorphological Characteristics of Different Soil Layers in the Yangshao Village Site,Mianchi County,Henan Province
摘要 仰韶文化时期气候环境与古人类活动是如何变化?大部分变化信息尽管从宏观视野中消失,但却保存在土壤微形态中。故文章采用土壤微形态学方法,对仰韶村遗址一处含有文化层区域进行多点采样,通过比较古土壤、文化层和表土层土壤微形态特点差异,研究了气候变化及古人类活动对土壤微形态的影响,为探究仰韶文化时期的古人类活动遗迹和古农业发展状况提供依据。结果显示:1)古土壤层中具有明确边界的铁质垒结形成物,粗粒质多分解细小颗粒,呈现堆积状,细粒质多为微晶b-垒结,细粒质与粗粒质相对分布主要呈现包膜状和桥接状,孔隙壁附着锰质胶膜。2)文化层中粗粒质多分解细小颗粒,呈现堆积状,细粒质呈现出多种b-垒结,细粒质与粗粒质空间关系也呈现多样化。孔隙壁附着腐殖质,孔道内填充炭屑。3)表土层中土壤形成物主要为继承性钙质形成物和钙质新生体,还可识别淀积黏粒体,土壤垒结回归单一,孔隙呈现出堆集性不规则非稳定态。研究发现:1)古土壤层主要受暖湿气候影响,脱硅富铁铝化作用明显,次生矿物以赤铁矿为主。古人类开始居住活动,促进了土壤发育,淀积黏化作用明显,黏粒胶膜发育充分。2)文化层主要受到古人类活动影响,古人类活动强度增强,土壤形成物和垒结多样化,可以清晰辨别出排泄形成物、用火痕迹、流水痕迹、培土活动。土壤微结构出现海绵状,表明耕作熟化程度较高且土壤肥力达到一定水平。3)表土层主要受干冷气候影响,次生矿物以碳酸盐为主。古人类活动强度减弱,土壤发育减缓,大型粗骨颗粒散乱分布在土壤基质中,碳酸盐与黏粒胶膜混合。 The climate and ancient human activities changed with the Yangshao village soil over time.Although most of the changes disappeared from a macro perspective,they were preserved in the soil micromorphology.Therefore,this study adopted the soil micromorphology method to conduct multi-point sampling in a cultural layer of the Yangshao village site.By comparing the differences in the soil micromorphology characteristics of ancient soil,cultural layer,and topsoil,this study investigated the impact of climate change and ancient human activities on soil micromorphology,providing a basis for exploring relics of ancient human activity and agricultural development during the Yangshao culture period.First,the results showed that the soil experienced a strong degree of chemical weathering.At the same time,sedimentation and viscosity were obvious,and the clay gel film was fully developed.As the iron element was added and oxidized,the color became reddish-brown.The gel film moved downward or measured seepage with the soil solution and then lost water and deposits in the aggregate or pore wall,with a smooth and bright surface or waxy luster.Second,coarse grains in the cultural layer were mostly decomposed into small grains,accumulated with fine grains present at multiple b-junctions,and the spatial relationship between fine and coarse grains was also diversified.Humus was attached to the pore wall,and carbon chips filled the pore channel.Traces of fire could be clearly identified,and the red burnt soil presented a variety of shapes,mainly blocky and clastic.Traces of water could be clearly identified,showing either a directional arrangement or accumulation state.The water movement intensity could be further identified according to the size of the arranged particles.Earthing activities,such as smooth holes and scratches,could be clearly identified.Third,large coarse bone particles in the topsoil layer were scattered in the soil matrix,and the carbonate and clay gel films were mixed with irregular and unstable shapes,indicating weak pedogenesis and a short duration.Soil formation is mainly inherited from calcareous formation and calcareous neogenesis,and it can also be used to identify sediment clay.The soil stratification was single,and the pores showed an accumulative,irregular,and unstable state.In conclusion,the ancient soil layer was primarily affected by a warm and humid climate,with obvious desilication,iron enrichment,and aluminization,and the secondary minerals were primarily hematite.Ancient humans began to live here,promoting soil development.Sedimentation and viscosity were obvious,and the clay film was fully developed.Moreover,the cultural layer was mainly affected by ancient human activities.The intensity of ancient human activities was enhanced,and soil formations and horsts were diversified,clearly indicating the horsts were formed by ancient human activity.The soil microstructure appeared spongy,indicating that the cultivation maturity was high and the soil fertility reached a certain level.Furthermore,the topsoil layer was foremost affected by dry and cold climates,and the secondary mineral was primarily carbonate.The activity intensity of ancient humans weakened,and soil development slowed down.Large coarse bone particles were scattered in the soil matrix,and carbonate was mixed with the clay film.
作者 查理思 吴克宁 黎卓轩 兰文哲 Zha Lisi;Wu Kening;Li Zhuoxuan;Lan Wenzhe(School of Public Administration,Guangdong University of Finance and Economics,Guangzhou 510320,China;School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期125-134,共10页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然青年科学基金(41907001)。
关键词 仰韶村遗址 土壤微形态 土壤垒结 土壤形成物 Yangshao village site soil micromorphology soil accretion soil formation
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