电视直播庭审已日趋流行 ,但语言使用的不规范状况令人堪忧。从国家意识、文明意识、交际环境、角色转化和法律语言本身的特点等方面 ,简要论述了法官、国家公诉人、律师和相关工作人员使用普通话和提高普通话水平的必要性 ,以及对我国目前推普工作的一些思考。同时 。
Live trial on TV has become more and more popular, But it makes us worried that language is used confusedly. In these aspects such as the consciousness of our country and civilization, circumstances of communication, changing roles and the characteristic of law language, this article has discussed the necessity of using and enhancing the common spoken Chinese by judge, prosecution, lawyer and relative workers, and have some thoughts about present popularizing the common spoken Chinese of our country. In addition, the high-lever school should take up its responsibility.
Journal of Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering