By calling the the path planning API provided by the Internet map,the travel time of the three feeder modes of walking,bus and cycling between the Guangzhou rail station and overlay grid areas are calculated.By use of the population employment distribution data around stations,the feeder accessibility of each station is calculated based on the Space-time barrier model.Considering the competitiveness of the feeder bus relative to walking,the two indicators of feeder bus competition coefficient and the minimum advantage distance of feeder bus are defined,to evaluate the feeder efficiency of rail stations and the service level of the feeder bus,and identify the weak feeder service stations in the rail network.The calculation results show that the overall feeder accessibility of stations in the central urban area is high,and the level of feeder bus services of some suburb stations is low,which is less competitive than walking.Therefore,more optimization efforts should be emphasized on the feeder bus service of these peripheral stations to improve the efficiency of rail travel of suburb passengers.
TANG Qing;WU Jiaqi(Guangzhou Transport Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510030,China;CISDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400013,China)
Science Technology and Industry