
环境规制、要素禀赋对养殖户粪污处理投入行为的影响 被引量:1

Impact of environmental regulations and factor endowments on farmers′ input adoption for manure treatment
摘要 为揭示环境规制、要素禀赋对养殖户粪污处理投入行为的影响机制,提高养殖户环境风险认知,实现乡村文明建设和低碳循环生产方式,本研究基于肉鸭养殖生产大省养殖户的调查数据,通过多元回归模型从成本效应和波特效应视角分析环境规制、要素禀赋对肉鸭养殖户粪污处理投入行为的影响,并进一步分析不同组织形式养殖户粪污处理投入行为的异质性。结果显示:环境规制强度与肉鸭养殖户粪污资源化处理投入行为呈“倒U型”的关系;环境规制影响养殖户粪污投入行为,其中引导型规制的影响程度最高,影响系数为0.075,而且引导型规制与命令型规制和激励型规制的交互项对养殖户粪污投入行为的影响系数分别为0.062和0.038,具有显著的调节作用;要素禀赋是影响不同组织形式养殖户粪污资源化投入行为的主要因素,其中社会资本、物质资本显著影响养殖户粪污投入行为。为了提高养殖户粪污资源化处理认知、促进养殖户投入行为的实施,需要通过“组合型规制”因地制宜地进行适度环境规制,加强相关技术培训、宣传和推广,同时在提升政策有效实施的过程中鼓励养殖户积极与龙头企业进行合作养殖,优化肉鸭养殖的资源配置,进而实现肉鸭养殖生态效益与经济效益的双赢。 The aim of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of environmental regulations and factor endowments governing farmers ′input adoption for manure treatment, so as to improve farmers′ environmental risk perception and explore the construction strategy of rural civilization and maintenance of low-carbon circular economy. Based on surveys of farmers in major meat duck breeding provinces, the impact of environmental regulations and factor endowments on the input adoption for manure treatment was analyzed on the basis of cost and Porter effect through a multiple regression model. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of farmers′ manure treatment input adoption under different organizational forms was explored. The intensity of environmental regulations revealed an“inverted U-shaped”relationship with the input adoption of meat duck farmers for manure′ resource treatment. Environmental regulations had impacts on such input adoption,with a value of 0.075 of guiding regulation as the highest degree of influence. In addition, the coefficients of the interaction terms of guiding regulations with commanding regulations and incentive regulations in influencing farmers′ input adoption for manure treatment were 0.062and 0.038, respectively, with significant moderating effects. The differences in factor endowments were the main reason to drive the input adoption of farmers under different organizational forms;especially, the endowments of social and material capital, which produced remarkable effects on livestock farmers′ input adoption for manure treatment. In order to improve farmers′ awareness on manure resource treatment and promote the implementation of its input adoption, appropriate environmental regulation policies should be formulated based on local conditions through“combined regulations”, while relevant technical training, publicity, and roll-out should also be strengthened.In addition, for enhancing the effective implementation of such policies, farmers should be encouraged to actively cooperate with leading companies in livestock breeding, and optimize resource allocation in meat duck raising, so as to realize a substantial outcome for ecological and economic benefits in the meat duck breeding industry.
作者 赵佳佳 刘灵芝 ZHAO Jiajia;LIU Lingzhi(College of Economics and Management,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;Hubei Rural Development Research Center,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《农业资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期238-248,共11页 Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment
基金 财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-42-28) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2662021JGPYX01)。
关键词 环境规制 要素禀赋 粪污资源化处理 投入行为 environmental regulation factor endowment manure resource treatment input adoption
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