

Evaluation of urban public service quality based on POI data: taking Wuhan as an example
摘要 城市公共服务质量是宜居城市的一项重要指标,也是近期的研究热点。文章以POI数据为研究对象,分析武汉市网点布局,利用Arc GIS计算网格点密度值,代入预设的九类POI权重,得到每个网格内的便利指数值展示图,据此进行该地区公共质量评价。结果显示该地生活便利指数小于9.2的区域占比95%,而高于9.2的区域很小并集中分布于市中心长江两岸,还有零星几个便利度较高的区域分布在各行政区中心。说明该地整体生活便利度呈现两极分化迹象,城市公共服务表现零散,城乡差异结构明显,发展较不充分。研究表明基于POI数据对城市网点布局空间评估分析,能客观映射出基础设施与影响因素的关联性,以期为大数据在城市规划中的应用探寻新的思路。 The quality of urban public service is an important indicator of livable cities, and is also a recent research hotspot. This paper takes POI data as the research object, analyzes the network layout of Wuhan, uses Arc GIS to calculate the grid point density value, substitute the preset nine types of POI weights, and obtains the convenience index value display chart in each grid, based on which the public quality evaluation of the region is carried out. The results show that 95% of the regions have a living convenience index of less than 9. 2, while the regions above 9. 2 are small and concentrated on both banks of the Yangtze River in the center of the city, and there are a few regions with high convenience distributed in the center of each administrative region. It shows that the overall living convenience of the area shows signs of polarization, urban public services are scattered, the urban-rural difference structure is obvious, and the development is not sufficient. The research shows that the spatial evaluation and analysis of urban network layout based on POI data can objectively map the correlation between infrastructure and influencing factors, so as to explore new ideas for the application of big data in urban planning.
作者 曹睿 Cao Rui(Wuhan University,Wuhan 430000,China)
机构地区 武汉大学
出处 《无线互联科技》 2022年第23期113-115,122,共4页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 POI数据 公共服务 分层网点 城市布局 POI data public services hierarchical outlets urban layout
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