

From “Same Frequency” to “Resonance”:The Multi-dimensional Economic Interaction between Shanxi-Suiyuan Border Region and Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
摘要 抗战时期地处华北的晋绥边区与西北的陕甘宁边区在抗日御侮和根据地建设中均扮演了重要角色,通过经济的多维互动,二者实现了由过去传统贸易直线交流的单一同频,到抗战后期经贸、金融和经济政策逐渐步调一致的多维共振。在此过程中,两根据地之间政府主导下商贸往来的加强、骡马大会的恢复和发展、以及边区间金融的互动合作发挥了重要作用,而政府层面的积极协调和两地经济政策的协同推进尤为关键。双方良性的经济互动,既是打破封锁实现根据地发展壮大的有力保障,也是不同根据地之间优势互补和协同发展的典型。此种被区域分割的新民主主义经济的实现形式,不但是中国共产党在抗战时期经济治理的有益尝试,对今天不同区域间的均衡发展亦有启示。 During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,the Shanxi-Suiyuan border region in North China and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region in Northwest China both played an important role in the process of resisting Japanese aggression and the construction of base areas,through the multidimensional interaction of the economy,they had realized the multi-dimensional resonance from the single and same frequency of the straight line communication of traditional trade to the gradually coordinated economic and trade,financial and economic policies in the later period of the War of Resistance against Japan.In this process,the strengthening of trade and commerce between the two bases led by the government,the recovery and development of the horses assembly and the financial interaction and cooperation between the border areas were very important,and the active coordination of the government level and the coordinated promotion of the economic policies of the two places was particularly critical.The sound economic interaction between the two sides was not only a strong guarantee for breaking the blockade to realize the development and growth of the base areas,but also a typical example of complementary advantages and collaborative development between different base areas.The realization form of the new democratic economy divided by regions was not only the beneficial attempt of the Communist Party of China in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,but also enlightening to the balanced development of different regions today.
作者 刘岩岩 LIU Yanyan(School of Marxism,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《安徽史学》 北大核心 2023年第1期90-98,共9页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 2018年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金西部和边疆地区项目“民国时期长江口岸城市工业互动研究”(18XJCZH006) 四川省哲学社会科学研究“十四五”规划2022年度课题“全面抗战时期大后方西南地区和西北地区经贸互动研究”(SC22B145)的阶段性成果
关键词 同频共振 晋绥边区 陕甘宁边区 经济互动 Same frequency and Resonance Shanxi-Suiyuan border region Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region economic interaction
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  • 2《中共中央文件选集》(1942-1944).中央党校出版社,1980年版,第16、22页,第22页.
  • 3中央档案馆编.《中共中央文件选集》(1936-1938),中共中央党校出版社1985年版,第318、545、601、608页.
  • 4《中共中央文件选集》(1939--1941),中共中央党校出版社1986年版,第208、213、278、280、305、393、451、531、560、642-643、709、800页.
  • 5《中共中央关于抗日根据地土地政策决定的附件》(1942年1月),中央档案馆编.《中共中央文件选集》(1942-1944),中共中央党校出版社1986年版,第14页.
  • 6《中共中央文件选集》(1936--1938),第359页.
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