
学前教育本科生的核心素养及培养探究 被引量:1

Research on the Key Competence and Training of Undergraduates in Preschool Education
摘要 探讨学前教育本科生的核心素养及培养具有非常重要的意义。基于学生核心素养的内涵和学前教育本科阶段的专业特点,提出学前教育本科生的核心素养中应具备的必备品质和关键能力。在此基础上建构学前教育本科生核心素养的构成框架,包括职业道德素养、专业知识素养、专业能力素养和自我专业发展素养等四个方面。提出学前教育本科生核心素养的培养建议:增强专业吸引力,提高生源质量;优化人才培养方案,完善培养课程体系;强化学生专业实践能力;重视学生的自我发展能力的培养等。 It is of great significance to discuss the core quality and cultivation of preschool education undergraduates.Based on the connotation of the students’ core literacy and the professional characteristics of the undergraduate stage of preschool education,this paper puts forward the essential qualities and key abilities that the undergraduate students of preschool education should have in their core literacy.On this basis,this paper constructs the framework of the core literacy of preschool education undergraduates,including professional ethics literacy,professional knowledge literacy,professional ability literacy and self-professional development literacy.We have put forward suggestions on cultivating the core quality of preschool education undergraduates,namely,enhancing the professional attraction,improving the quality of students,optimizing the talent training program,improving the training curriculum system,strengthening students’ professional practice ability,and paying attention to the cultivation of students’ self-development ability.
作者 李翠泉 LI Cui-quan(School of Education Science,Xuzhou Institute of Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221000,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2023年第2期169-172,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2018年度江苏省现代教育技术研究重点资助课题“混合学习环境中学生学习投入的促进策略研究”(2018-R-66123)。
关键词 学前教育 本科生 核心素养 培养 preschool education undergraduate key competence training
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