
马克思对资本主义分配关系的生产前提批判——关于《1844年经济学哲学手稿》笔记本Ⅰ的探讨 被引量:1

Marx’s Critique on the Productive Premise of the Capitalist Distributive Relation——On Notebook Ⅰ of “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844”
摘要 马克思透过工资、利润和地租等分配关系,探究了资本、地产和劳动分离的资本主义生产前提,说明这种分离是对工人根本利益的侵害,体现着有财产和无财产的阶级矛盾和斗争。现代劳动以抽象的物神——资本的增长为目的,资本通过剥削工人获取利润、实现积累,而工人只能得到维持生存的工资。有的小资本家在竞争中破产,沦为靠劳动谋生的无产者,从而扩大着资本和劳动的分离。封建土地所有者和租地农场主之间的斗争、大地产和小地产之间的竞争等,使封建地产向工业、资本的地产转变,地租也随之变化。地产分割和垄断都以私有制为基础,因此,这两种发展方式都会走向灭亡。在未来社会,通过人与人的联合,土地等劳动材料将成为真正的个人财产。马克思的研究具有重要意义。马克思由政治经济学家们对各阶级收入形式的描述转向对生产前提的探究;通过追溯资本、地产与劳动分离的历史,揭示了私有财产产生、发展和消灭的历史规律;批判了古典政治经济学重视劳动、蔑视劳动者的观点;提出了自由劳动和自由享受的思想,阐明了社会主义生产的目的和特质。 Through the distribution relations of wages,profits and land rent,Marx explored the premise of capitalist production that separates the capital,landed property,and labor.He indicated that this separation is an infringement of the fundamental interests of workers,reflecting the class contradictions and struggles between the propertied and the non-propertied classes.Modern labor aims at the increase of the capital,an abstract fetish.Capital earns profits and accumulates by exploiting workers,who are only paid to survive.Some Small capitalists went bankrupt in the competition and became proletarians who made a living by labor,thus widening the separation between the capital and the labor.The struggles between landlords and tenants,the competition between the large landed property and the small landed property,etc.,transformed the feudal landed property to the industrial and capital landed property and changed the land rent along the way.Both the divisions and monopolies of the land property are based on private ownership,so both modes of development will perish.In the future society,labor materials such as lands will become a true personal property of man by the joint realization.Marx’s research is of great significance.He shifted from the description of the forms of income of the various classes by political economists to the exploration of the premise of production.He revealed the historical law of the emergence,development and abolition of the private property by tracing the history of the separation of the capital,landed property and labor.He criticized the view of the classical political economy that emphasized the labor and despised the laborers.He put forward the idea of free labor and free enjoyment,and elucidated the purpose and characteristics of the socialist production.
作者 李淑梅 LI Shu-mei
出处 《求是学刊》 北大核心 2023年第1期60-69,共10页 Seeking Truth
关键词 生产 资本、地产与劳动分离 分配 工资 利润 production the separation of capital landed property and labor distribution wage profit
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