In The Loss of El Dorado, V. S. Naipaul describes a thrilling exploration of the Caribbean based on imperial documents, which not only coincides with stereotypical impressions that Western readers have concerning the colony and draws their attention to colonial history, but also presents the whole of the Caribbean as a primitive and barbarian space that needs to be saved by civilized Europeans. Such descriptions thus render the Caribbean a geographical Other manipulated by imperial narratives and hegemonic discourse. But Naipaul also tries to dispel the historical reality of colonial expansion and ridicule the colonists’ “heroic” undertakings, in order to examine the intricate relationship between ecological colonization and colonial atrocities. The plunder of resources and the invasion of species, which produces catastrophic effects on the natural ecology of former colonies not only instrumentalizes indigenous people in the creation of colonial atrocities, but renders the Caribbean Islands a victim of both prof it-oriented Western agriculture and instrumental rationality.
Zhang Chi(School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing,China,210037)
Contemporary Foreign Literature