
“父母激活”理念及其临床意义 被引量:1

The Concept of "Parent Activation" and Its Clinical Implications
摘要 运用Rodgers演化概念分析法对父母激活的概念、属性特征、替代术语和相关术语、先决条件和影响因素、结果和意义以及测评指标进行分析,并揭示其在儿科护理领域的临床价值和意义。概念属性包含信念、知识、能力和信心4个维度。先决条件和影响因素包括父母受教育程度、婚姻状况、孩子病程长短和医疗保健服务提供者是否为父母提供激活干预措施等。结果和意义包括提升患儿健康相关结局、提升父母照护孩子的信心、减轻父母心理压力以及促进卫生系统和社区资源的有效利用等。澄清父母激活这一理念的内涵有助于提高医护人员对其的了解与重视,为后续父母激活干预措施的提出和践行提供一定的理论依据。 This article analyzes the concept of parent activation through Rodgers Evolutionary Concept Analysis. The concept of parent activation, its attributes, alternative terms and related terms, prerequisites and influencing factors, consequences and meanings and measurement are analyzed and combined, revealing their clinical value and significance in the area of pediatric care. The conceptual attributes include four dimensions of belief, knowledge, competence, and confidence. The prerequisites and influencing factors include parental education, marital status, length of the child’s illness, and the availability of activation interventions for parents from healthcare professionals. Improved health-related outcomes for the child, increased parental confidence in caring, reduced parental psychological stress, and facilitated effective use of health system and community resources are the consequences and meanings observed. Parent activation can be better understood and given more priority by healthcare professionals when its definition is clarified. It can also serve as a theoretical foundation for further application of parent activation interventions.
作者 邹柳妮 马腾宇 张欣 ZOU Liu-ni;MA Teng-yu;ZHANG Xin(School of Nursing,Chinese Academy Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100144,China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2022年第23期53-57,共5页 Medicine and Philosophy
基金 2019年北京协和医学院校级研究生教改立项课题(10023201902502)。
关键词 父母激活 儿科护理 患者安全 概念分析 parent activation pediatric nursing patient safety concept analysis
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