
长江流域水工程联合调度实践与思考 被引量:4

Practice and reflection on joint operation of water projects in Yangtze River Basin
摘要 遵循流域综合规划,长江流域已基本建成比较完整的水利工程体系,在防洪减灾、水资源利用、水生态保护与修复等方面发挥了巨大作用,有力支撑和保障了经济社会可持续发展。随着流域水工程体系逐步完善,特别是在“共抓大保护,不搞大开发”的背景下,流域治理正从以工程建设为主的阶段向工程建设和工程管理并重阶段转变。在系统介绍长江流域水工程联合调度的实践历程及其取得的巨大成效的基础上,结合新发展阶段对水工程联合调度提出的新要求,系统分析了联合调度面临的新挑战,并针对性提出了水工程联合调度下一步的工作思路。建议不断完善水工程联合调度体制机制,不断强化“四预”措施、稳步扩大水工程联合调度范围、大力提升水工程联合调度智能化水平,切实保障流域防洪安全、供水安全、生态安全。 Under the guidance of the comprehensive planning for the Yangtze River Basin, a relatively complete system of water conservancy projects has been basically completed in the Yangtze River Basin.This system has played a huge role in flood control and disaster reduction, water resources utilization, water ecological protection and restoration, which has strongly supported and guaranteed the sustainable development of the economy and society.With the gradual perfection of the water conservancy engineering system in the Yangtze River Basin, especially under the background of ‘to step up conservation of the Yangtze River and stop its over development’,the management of the Yangtze River Basin is undergoing a transition from the stage of engineering construction to the stage of engineering construction and management.This paper systematically introduces the course of the research and practice of the joint operation of water projects in the Yangtze River Basin, and the great achievements achieved by the joint operation of water projects.Combining with the new requirements for the joint operation of water projects in the new development stage, this paper analyzes the weak links and new challenges, and then puts forward the working ideas for the joint operation of water projects in the next step.It is suggested to continuously improve the system and mechanism of joint operation of water projects, continuously strengthen the ‘four pre-planning’ measures, steadily expand the scope of joint operation of water projects, and vigorously improve the intelligent level of joint operation of water projects, so as to effectively guarantee the safety of flood control, water supply and ecology in river basins.
作者 胡向阳 HU Xiangyang(Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention Bureau,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,Wuhan 430010,China)
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2023年第1期75-79,共5页 Yangtze River
关键词 水工程联合调度 防洪减灾 水资源利用 水生态保护 工程管理 长江流域 joint operation of water projects flood control and disaster reduction water resources utilization water ecological protection engineering management Yangtze River Basin
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