

Real-time Scheduling of Open-pit Mine Truck Based on SA-GA Algorithm
摘要 应用模拟退火算法优化遗传算法实现了露天矿卡车的实时优化调度。首先,针对所建卡车调度模型的单目标、多约束、非线性优化的特点,应用求解此类问题表现优越的遗传算法进行求解。其次,针对遗传算法局部搜索能力不足的特点,应用局部搜素能力强的模拟退火算法对其进行优化并详细阐述了模拟退火算法优化遗传算法的基本思想和算法流程。接着,应用典型的TSP问题对模拟退火优化遗传算法进行了验证。最终,应用Mtlab编程软件编制了基于SA-GA算法的露天矿卡车调度程序,并以实际生产数据进行了实验验证。 In this paper,the simulated annealing algorithm is used to optimize the genetic algorithm to realize the real-time optimal scheduling of open-pit mine trucks.According to the characteristics of single-objective,multi-constraint and nonlinear optimization of the truck dispatching model,the genetic algorithm,which has excellent performance in solving such problems,is used to solve the problem.In view of the lack of local search ability of the genetic algorithm,the simulated annealing algorithm with strong local search ability is used to optimize it,and the basic idea and algorithm flow of the simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the genetic algorithm are expounded in detail.The simulated annealing optimization genetic algorithm is verified by applying a typical TSP problem.By using Matlab programming software,a truck scheduling program based on SA-GA algorithm is compiled,and the experiment is carried out with actual production data.
作者 郭天中 郝静 GUO Tianzhong;HAO Jing(Department of Materials Engineering,Baotou Vocational and Technical College,Baotou 014010,China)
出处 《机械工程师》 2023年第2期79-84,共6页 Mechanical Engineer
基金 内蒙古自治区级科研项目“基于SA-GA算法的露天矿用卡车调度方法的研究”(NJZY21088)。
关键词 卡车调度 露天矿 模拟退火算法 模拟退火优化遗传算法 truck scheduling open pit mine simulated annealing algorithm simulated annealing optimization genetic algorithm
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