
基于电池特性的风电场综合储能优化配置 被引量:2

Optimal Configuration of Integrated Energy Storage for Wind Farms Based on Battery Characteristics
摘要 为应对高风电渗透率,对其所在区域的电网稳定性提出了更高要求。储能作为应对高风电渗透率的关键因素,其配置与系统最终稳定性密切相关。为解决单纯依靠增加单一储能配置来提升电网稳定性将会造成投资成本高等问题,兼顾储能的可靠性与经济性,基于不同类型电池特性提出了一套储能配置方案:将锂电池功率调节性强与液流电池容量储存度大的优势相结合,依据通过实际需求所设立的技术指标,结合储能平均使用成本最小化的目标函数,利用免疫算法进行求解,得到所提储能功率与容量的综合配置方案。最后利用山东某风场数据进行实例分析,评估所提方案下的储能配置对于风场出力的改善情况,验证此方案的经济性与可靠性。 To cope with high wind power penetration, a higher requirement for the stability of the regional power grid,where the find farm locates, is put forward. As the key factor to cope with high wind power penetration, the configuration of energy storage is closely related to the final stability of power grid. To solve the problem that it would cause high investment cost because of improving power grid stability by relying on single type of energy storage equipments and it was necessary to consider both the economy and reliability of energy storage,based on the characteristics of different sorts of batteries a configuration scheme of energy storage equipments, which combined the strong power regulation performance of the lithium battery with the high energy storage capacity of the liquid flow battery, was proposed, Based on the technical indices established according to the actual demand and combining with the objective function, in which the average usage cost was minimized, the proposed configuration scheme was solved by immune algorithm, thus a comprehensive configuration scheme of energy storage power and capacity were obtained. Finally, a case-study based on the data of a certain wind farm located in Shandong province was conducted to evaluate the improvement of wind farm output under the proposed energy storage equipment configuration in the proposed scheme to verify the economy and the reliability of the proposed scheme.
作者 韩晨阳 张鹏 徐金华 HAN Chenyang;ZHANG Peng;XU Jinhua(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,North China Electric Power University,Changping District,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《现代电力》 北大核心 2023年第1期92-99,共8页 Modern Electric Power
关键词 高风电渗透率 电网稳定性 电池特性 储能配置 high wind power penetration rate grid stability battery characteristics energy storage configuration
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