

Expression of CD82 in cell initially infected with influenza virus
摘要 目的 了解细胞跨膜蛋白CD82在流感病毒感染初期的表达变化,分析CD82在流感病毒感染中的作用。方法 采用逆转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法对流感病毒感染4 h内的HEP-2细胞中CD82蛋白mRNA表达量进行检测。结果 流感病毒感染HEP-2细胞后1 h-3 h细胞CD82的mRNA表达量降低,并且随着流感病毒接种量增加CD82表达量降低持续时间延长。结论 流感病毒可以在转录水平调节宿主细胞CD82的表达。CD82在流感病毒感染初期表达下降,提示CD82可能在流感病毒与宿主细胞粘附和入侵过程中发挥作用。 Objective To observe the expression of tetraspanin CD82 in cells in early stage of influenza virus infection and evaluate the protective role of CD82 in seasonal influenza virus infection in vitro. Methods The expression of mRNA of CD82 in cells infected with influenza virus were detected by using PT-PCR at different time. Results The expression of mRNA of CD82 in the infected HEP-2 cells reduced in 1 to 3 hours after infection. The duration of the lowered expression of CD82 prolonged with the increase of influenza virus inoculation. Conclusion Influenza viruses can regulate the expression of CD82 of host cells at the transcriptional level;the decreased expression of CD82 at preliminary stage of influenza virus infection suggest that CD82 may play a role in the adhesion and invasion of influenza virus to host cells.
作者 栾明春 薄志坚 郎兴莹 刘丹红 LUAN Ming-chun;BO Zhi-jian;LANG Xing-ying;LIU Dan-hong(Department of Microbiology,Dalian Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Dalian,Liaoning 116035,China)
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第11期1289-1291,1298,共4页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
基金 辽宁省自然基金指导计划项目(20180550459)。
关键词 流感病毒 CD82 四次跨膜蛋白 Influenza virus CD82 Tetraspanin
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