
高校思政课教学实效性及其提升——基于扎根理论和结构方程模型的分析 被引量:2

Effectiveness and Improvement of Ideological and Political Theory Courses Teaching in Colleges and Universities——Analysis Based on Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Model
摘要 思政课教学实效性是指人们在思政课教学实践活动中为了完成一定目标所规定的具体任务而采取的行动、措施、举措的实际效果,其在宏观角度包含目标层面、过程层面和结果层面,在微观角度则可通过悦纳度、参与度、满意度和获得感进行衡量。实效性是思政课教学的出发点和归宿,具有与时俱进的重要特征。基于扎根理论和结构方程模型的实证研究表明,在高等学校思政课教学中,受教育者对思政课的满意度和获得感是核心要素,“内容为王”是根本遵循,教师的教育能力是关键环节,受教育者对思政课的悦纳度和参与度是基本保障,以上四者共同构成思政课教学实效性的基本生成逻辑。为了进一步提升立德树人视域下的思政课教学实效性,需要坚持“内容至上”的基本原则,以受教育者为中心,鼓励受教育者主动学思践悟,从而构建起协同育人的“大思政”格局。 The effectiveness of ideological and political courses teaching refers to the actual effects ofa ctions and measures taken by people in the practical activities of ideological and political theory coursesteaching in order to complete specific tasks for certain goals. From the macro perspective, it includes theg oal, process and result, and from the micro perspective, it can be measured by acceptability,participation, satisfaction and sense of gain. Effectiveness is the starting point and destination ofi deological and political theory courses teaching, which contains the feature of advancing with the times.Empirical research based on grounded theory and structural equation model shows that in the teaching ofi deological and political courses in colleges and universities, students’ the satisfaction and sense of gainto the ideological and political theory courses are the core elements, so called “content is king” is thef undamental compliance, teachers’ ability is the key part, and students’ acceptability and participation init is the basic guarantee. The above four factors constitute the basic generation logic of the effectivenessa nd improvement of ideological and political theory courses teaching. In order to further improve theeffectiveness of ideological and political theory courses teaching under the perspective of strengtheningm oral education and cultivating people, it is essential for us to adhere to the basic principle of “contentfirst”, to center on students and encourage them to take the initiative to learn, think and practice, so ast o build the pattern of “big thoughts and politics” with collaborative education.
作者 费英秋 于欣宜 Fei Yingqiu;Yu Xinyi(School of Marxism,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083;School of Marxism,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100192)
出处 《知与行》 2022年第6期70-78,94,共10页 Cognition and Practice
基金 中共北京市委教育工作委员会北京高校思想政治工作研究支持课题“基于扎根理论的高校思政课教学效果提升机制研究”(BJSZ2021ZC56) 煤炭行业高等教育研究课题重点项目“基于问题导向的高校课程质量建设提升机制创新研究——以思政课为例”(2021MXJG055)。
关键词 立德树人 思政课教学 实效性 扎根理论 strengthen moral education and cultivate people ideological and political theory coursest eaching effectiveness grounded theory
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