Compared with equity pledge,the protection strength for the creditor's right of equity transfer guarantee is stronger and the costs for the realization of security rights are lower,which is the special value of equity transfer guarantee.According to the current laws,the equity transfer guarantee is effective within the parties,and the creditor enjoys the right of priority in repayment and needs to perform the obligation of liquidation.But the external effectiveness of equity transfer guarantee is controversial and lacks relevant rules and regulations.At the company level,the external effectiveness of the equity transfer guarantee mainly involves the exercise subject of shareholders'management rights.Based on the principles of coordination of the party autonomy and respect for the company's will,the agreement between the creditor and the debtor on the allocation of the management authority over the company is effective between the parties,but it can't be effective against the company until the company's consent is obtained.In respect of the external relationship,the company's creditors cannot form a reasonable reliance worthy of protection on the shareholders'information,so the nominal shareholders do not have to assume the supplementary responsibility for their capital contribution;The general creditors of the nominal shareholders also do not enjoy the reliance interest sufficient to resist the real obligee,therefore,the creditors of the nominal shareholders cannot apply for the enforcement of the subject equity.
Ji Meng(School of Law,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
Journal of the Postgraduates of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Equity Transfer Guarantee
External Effectiveness
Reasonable Reliance