
“孔雀东南飞”:经济高质量发展与人才流动 被引量:11

"Peacocks Flying to the Southeast":High-quality Economic Development and Talents Mobility
摘要 近年来,各地区不断推出人才政策,城市间“抢人大战”愈演愈烈,力争“孔雀向己飞”。本文基于2006~2018年高校招生分数线数据,结合高校科技统计数据与城市统计数据,研究发现城市人均GDP显著提高了城市内高校招生分数线,这表明准大学生更倾向于报考经济发达地区的院校。这一结论在内生性处理与各种稳健性检验下均成立。机制分析结果表明,城市人均国内生产总值通过提高城市吸引力与高校吸引力,进而提升高校招生分数线。进一步分析结果表明,高房价、物价上升和交通拥堵显著抑制了城市经济发展水平对考生的吸引力。这意味着,高经济发展水平尚不足以吸引人才,还需提高城市综合吸引力,降低居住成本,实现经济高质量发展与人才流入的良性循环。本文从高考招生与准大学生选择角度入手,对准人才是否存在“孔雀东南飞”现象这一问题予以肯定回答,为地方政府制定人才吸引政策提供现实参考。 Talents form the basis of power for high-quality economic development and the Chinese government has always attached great importance to the cultivation of talents. Especially in recent years, various regions of China have continuously introduced talent policies and the “war for talents” among cities has intensified. After the Reform and Opening up, among the most striking features of China’s development are its large population and high level of labor mobility. The phenomenon that human resources and talents concentrate in economically developed areas in the southeast coast(“peacocks flying to the southeast”) has attracted widespread attention from all sectors of society. Although the phenomenon of talent mobility in China has been studied, certain details require further research. First, no convincing empirical analysis method has been developed that explains the existence of this phenomenon. Second, a potential large-scale talent mobility event in China-the National College Entrance Examination-has been ignored so far.Based on college enrollment data from 2006 to 2018 and combined with college science and technology statistics data and city statistics data, this paper empirically shows the following: A higher level of economic development of a city(i.e., its GDP per capita) significantly increases the enrollment score line of colleges in cities. This indicates that university students-to-be are more inclined to choose colleges in regions with developed economy. This conclusion holds under endogeneity and robustness checks. The results of the mechanism analysis show that the level of economic development of cities elevates the college enrollment score line by increasing the attractiveness of cities in terms of jobs, education, health care, social welfare, facilities, and the development level of the service sector. At the same time, colleges in economically developed areas have more advantages in terms of faculty, funding, and topics, which in turn increases their attractiveness. Further analysis shows that the high cost of living that accompanies the economic development of a city(such as high housing prices, high prices for goods, and traffic congestion) counterbalance the attractiveness of the city’s economic development level. In addition, the relative economic development level of the target city compared to the candidate’s location also increases the college enrollment score line.The policy inspiration of this paper is that the pursuit of high-quality economic development underlies the mobility of talents to economically developed regions. This high-quality economic development is not only reflected in high GDP per capita levels, but also in high comprehensive attractiveness and low living costs. Therefore, local governments should not only pursue GDP per capita, but also shift the focus of their economic development to high-quality development. Then, the comprehensive competitiveness and attractiveness of the region can be improved and a virtuous cycle of high-quality economic development and talent inflow can be realized. Therefore, governments at all levels should(i) comprehensively understand the complexity of the phenomenon of talent mobility,(ii) systematically propose countermeasures,(iii) scientifically build a talent cultivation and development environment,(iv) shift the economic development mindset from high-speed development to high-quality development,(v) reduce urban settlement costs, and(vi) improve the comprehensive attractiveness of regions to actively respond to the increasingly harsher competition environment for talents.Based on the perspectives of National College Entrance Examination enrollment and the selection of university students-to-be, this paper corroborates the existence of the “peacocks flying southeast” phenomenon for talents. First, the research boundaries in the fields of National College Entrance Examination and talents mobility should be expanded. Second, new ways of thinking and research perspectives should be developed for issues such as regional brain drain and regional economic disparity. Third, a realistic reference should be provided for local governments to formulate talent attraction policies.
作者 李磊 王天宇 LI Lei;WANG Tianyu(Center for Transnationals’Studies,Nankai University;Economic Behavior and Policy Simulation Laboratory,Nankai University;School of Economics,Nankai University)
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期5-24,共20页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“全球产业智能化对我国供应链安全的影响及对策研究”(22&ZD097) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“发达国家产业智能化对中国外商直接投资的影响研究”(72273068)的资助。
关键词 经济高质量发展 人才流动 高考 准大学生 High-quality Economic Development Talents Mobility National College Entrance Examination University Student-to-be
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