Moisture content is an important trait for rubber sheet trading system.Therefore,a calibrationequation for predicting moisture content was created by near infrared(NIR)technique in order todevelop a more fair trading system in Thailand.Spectra were recorded in two systems.One wasmeasurement on each rubber sheet and the other was on a pile of sheets.Both were[measured by ahandheld NIR spectrometer in the short wavelength region(700-1100 nm)in the transflectancemode using Teflon as a diffuse refector.The spectra showed the peak at about 900 nm whichbelongs to isoprene,the major component of rubber sheet.Pretreatment with second derivativewas applied to remove baseline shift effect occurring due to thickness differences on each rubber sheet.From validation results,moisture contents predicted by single sheet system were moreaccurate than a pile of sheet system with standard error of prediction(SEP)=0.39 %and bias of-0.07%,and they were not significantly diferent from the actual values at 95%confidence.As aresult,determining moisture content in each rubber sheet by a handheld NIR,spectrometerprovided accurate values,easy and rapid operation.
supported by Industrial and Research Projects for Undergraduate Students 2008(The Thailand Research Fund)and Center of Excellence Project of Research,Development Institute at Kamphaengsaen,Kasetsart University。