

the Influence of Different Operating Modes on Human Thermal Response in Split Air-conditioned Residential Buildings
摘要 我国分体式空调建筑夏季常采用空调(AC)和自然通风(NV)相结合的混合模式(MM)运行。为了解该类建筑中不同运行模式对室内热环境和人体热反应的影响,本研究以焦作住宅建筑为调研对象,采用主观问卷调查和室内外热环境参数测试相结合的方法,共收集了522份数据。结果表明:即使AC、NV和MM模式分别有8.1%、14.4%和0%的室内热湿环境状态处于舒适区间,仍有超过80%的居民对室内热环境感到满意;AC模式的居民比NV模式感觉更凉爽,更干燥,风感觉更强,热舒适度和热可接受度更高,但两种模式80%可接受温度的上限比较接近,约为30℃;室内热经历主要影响热感觉和热期望,感知控制主要影响热舒适度和热可接受度;当室外温度在30℃以下时,居民的适应机会充分,可以利用生理、心理、服装和开窗等适应机会改善自身热舒适,中性温度随室外温度升高而升高,因此建议采用自适应模型来评价。但当室外温度超过30℃,上述适应机会受限,居民的可接受温度上限为30℃。以上结果可为我国分体式空调住宅建筑的室内热环境设计和热舒适评价提供理论基础。 In China,split air-conditioned buildings often operate in a mixed mode(MM)that integrates air conditioning(AC)and natural ventilation(NV)in summer.To understand the influence of different operation modes on indoor thermal environment and human thermal response in these buildings,this study took Jiaozuo residential buildings as the research object and collected 522 data by combining subjective questionnaire survey and indoor and outdoor thermal environment parameter testing.The results show that,although 8.1%,14.4%and 0%of AC,NV and MM modes are in the comfort zone respectively,more than 80%of residents are satisfied with the indoor thermal environment.In AC mode,the residents feel cooler,drier,more comfortable and have a stronger feeling of wind,higher thermal comfort and thermal acceptability than in NV mode,but the upper limit of 80%acceptable temperature is close,about 30℃.Indoor thermal history mainly affects thermal sensation and thermal expectation,while perceptual control mainly influences thermal comfort and thermal acceptability.When the outdoor temperature is below 30℃,residents have sufficient opportunity to adapt,and they can take advantage of physiology,psychology,clothing,window opening and other adaptive opportunities to improve their thermal comfort.The neutral temperature increases with the outdoor temperature,so it is recommended to adopt an adaptive model to evaluate.However,when the outdoor temperature exceeds 30℃,the above adaptation opportunity is limited,and the upper limit of acceptable temperature is 30℃.The above results can provide a theoretical basis for the indoor thermal environment design and thermal comfort evaluation of split air-conditioned residential buildings in China.
作者 孙震 董梦如 石芳宁 袁国栋 高敬远 王敏丽 闫海燕 SUN Zhen;DONG Mengru;SHI Fangning;YUAN Guodong;GAO Jingyuan;WANG Minli;YAN Haiyan(Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;Puyang Medical College,Puyang 457000,Henan,China)
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期117-129,233,共14页 Building Science
基金 西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室开放基金(重点)“基于人体热舒适预测的建筑热环境智能调控基础研究”(LSKF202101) 河南省科技厅重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)“空调间歇使用对人体热反应的作用机理及建筑热环境控制策略研究”(202102310566) 河南省高校基本科研业务费专项资金“空调建筑室内热环境特性及空调智能化控制基础研究”(NSFRF200306) 河南省大学生创新创业计划项目“基于大数据的人体热舒适预测模型研究”(202010460065)。
关键词 分体式空调住宅建筑 现场调研 运行模式 热环境 热反应 热舒适评价 split air-conditioned residential building field investigation operating mode thermal environment thermal response thermal comfort evaluation
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