
1.5 T磁感应强度水冷式螺线管线圈结构设计及仿真研究

Structure design and simulation research for the water-cooled solenoid with 1.5 T magnetic field
摘要 介绍T量级水冷式螺线管线圈的结构设计及仿真研究工作。采用多层水冷结构设计,对不同温升导致的变形量进行计算并校核,最后利用POISSON程序对线圈磁场进行仿真计算。计算表明:最大温升60℃时,整个结构变形量小于0.07 mm,即探头相对位置变化量可小于0.1 mm;96.6 A电流加载时,中心区最大磁感应强度为1.5 T;0.01%精度轴向磁场宽度为40 mm,0.1%精度轴向磁场宽度为140 mm。从仿真结果来看,设计的水冷式螺线管线圈可满足磁场探头校准测量要求。 The structure design and simulation research for the water-cooled solenoid with magnetic field on the order of T are presented in this paper. The multi-layer water-cooled structure design is used for the solenoid. The solenoid structure malformation caused by different temperature rise is simulated and checked. Finally the magnetic field is calculated by POISSON code. The structure deformation is less than 0.07 mm with 60 ℃ temperature rise and the magnetic field is 1.5 T with 96.6 A current.The axial magnetic field region is 40 mm on the order of 0.01%precision and is 140 mm on the order of 0.1% precision. The results show that the water-cooled solenoid is good enough for the magnetic field calibration measurement.
作者 叶毅 龙全红 廖树清 刘云龙 李铭玮 Ye Yi;Long Quanhong;Liao Shuqing;Liu Yunlong;Li Mingwei(Institute of Fluid Physics,CAEP,Mianyang 621900,China)
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期101-105,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家专项工程。
关键词 水冷式 螺线管线圈 探头校准 water-cooled solenoid calibration
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