

Effects of Reducing Fertilizer Application Models on Wheat Yield and Nutrient Use Efficiencies in Rice-Wheat Cropping System
摘要 为实现化肥高效施用和零增长目标,采用稻麦轮作定位大田试验,探讨不同减量施肥模式对轮作体系小麦产量及养分利用效率的影响。设置不施肥(T1)、常规化肥(T2)、等养分条件下有机肥与化肥配施(T3)、T3减N 20%+氮增效剂(T4)、T3减P 20%+磷素活化剂(T5)及T3减N、P各20%+氮增效剂+磷素活化剂(T6)6个处理。结果表明,与T2处理相比,各减量施肥处理对稻麦轮作体系小麦产量影响不显著,T4处理3年平均产投比提高3.96%,T5和T6处理分别降低59.21%和56.24%;T4处理氮素吸收效率、氮素利用效率和钾素利用效率分别提高9.22%~20.70%、7.01%~28.67%和4.69%~7.67%;T5处理小麦磷素总吸收量、吸收效率、偏生产力和利用效率分别提高15.53%、21.43%~46.67%、12.18%~52.06%和3.77%~4.52%;T6处理氮素吸收效率、磷素偏生产力和钾素利用效率分别提高5.67%~19.40%、10.88%~43.43%和7.38%~12.97%;T3处理对小麦氮、磷素的吸收与利用均无显著影响,但显著降低了小麦钾素偏生产力。综合结果表明,T6处理可稳定小麦产量,有利于协调作物养分吸收,但磷素活化剂使用成本高,经济效益偏低。 In order to explore the effects of different reducing fertilizer application modes on wheat yield,nutrient use efficiency in rice-wheat cropping system, and to provide theoretical basis for achieving high efficient application of chemical fertilizer and its zero increase in China, a 3-year field positioning experiment of rice-wheat cropping system was carried out. Six treatments were set including no fertilizer(T1), conventional chemical fertilization(T2), combination of organic manure and chemical fertilizer(T3), reducing 20% chemical fertilizer plus nitrogen synergist(T4), reducing 20% chemical phosphorus fertilizer plus phosphorus activator(T5), and reducing 20% nitrogen and 20% phosphorus plus nitrogen synergist and phosphorus activator(T6). The results showed that compared with T2 treatment, the effects of fertilizer reduction on wheat yield was not significant. The average production investment ratio of three years of T4 treatment was 3.96%, higher than that of T2 treatment, and that of T5 and T6 treatments were 59.21% and 56.24% lower than that of T2 treatment;T4treatment increased nitrogen absorption efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency and potassium use efficiency by9.22%-20.70%, 7.01%-28.67%, and 4.69%-7.67%, respectively. T5 treatment could increase the total phosphorus uptake by 15.53%, the range of phosphorus absorption efficiency, partial productivity and use efficiency were increased by 21.43%-46.67%, 12.18%-52.06%, and 3.77%-4.52%, respectively. T6 treatment increased nitrogen absorption efficiency, phosphorus partial productivity, and potassium utilization efficiency by 5.67%-19.40%,10.88%-43.43%, and 7.38%-12.97%, respectively. T3 treatment had no significant effects on the absorption and utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus, and significantly reduced the partial productivity of potassium. The comprehensive results showed that T6 treatment could stabilize wheat yield and coordinate crop nutrient absorption, but the economic benefit was low due to high cost of phosphorus activator.
作者 熊又升 熊汉锋 郭衍龙 王海生 刘威 严与向 谢媛园 周剑雄 杨立军 Xiong Yousheng;Xiong Hanfeng;Guo Yanlong;Wang Haisheng;Liu Wei;Yan Yuxiang;Xie Yuanyuan;Zhou Jianxiong;Yang Lijun(Plant Protection and Soil Fertilizer Institute,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;Ezhou Vocational University,Ezhou 436000,Hubei,China;Ezhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Ezhou 436000,Hubei,China;Wuhan Agricultural Testing Center,Wuhan 430023,Hubei,China)
出处 《作物杂志》 北大核心 2022年第6期118-123,共6页 Crops
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200506) 国家科技支撑计划(2015BAD23B03)。
关键词 小麦产量 经济效益 养分利用效率 稻麦轮作 减量施肥 Wheat yield Economic benefit Nutrient use efficiency Rice-wheat cropping system Reduced fertilizer application
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