特发性眼睑痉挛(idiopathic blepharospasm,IBSP)系局灶性肌张力障碍性疾病,学界普遍认为其发病机制可能与脑部基底节损害、黑质-纹状体γ-氨基丁酸能神经元功能低下,胆碱能神经元过度活跃,或是脑皮质抑制性降低有关。本病在中老年人群中较常见,女性多于男性。典型症状是不断重复、非意志性强烈闭眼,常在安静或注视人或物时出现。眼睑痉挛临床诊断指南可对疑似IBSP患者进行初筛,Shorr分级是依据患者睑肌痉挛程度制定的一种可有效衡量其病情严重性的量表。使用合适剂量肉毒杆菌毒素于眼轮匝肌注射是治疗轻中度眼睑痉挛安全有效的手段。
Idiopathic blepharospasm is a form of focal dystonia.It is generally believed that the pathogenesis is related to the damage of the basal ganglia of the brain,hypoactive nigrostriatal gamma-aminobutyric acid neurons,hyperactive cholinergic neurons,or decreased inhibition of the cerebral cortex.The disease is more common in the middle-aged and elderly population,and is more common in female than male.The typical symptom contains forceful involuntary spasms of eye closure,which usually occurs in quiet or when gazing at people or objects.A clinical guideline for diagnosing blepharospasm can help physicians confirming or refuting suspected IBSP.The Shorr grade,a scale for rating the severity of IBSP availably,contains 5 levels depending on the degree of blepharospasm.It is a safe and effective method to inject appropriate dose of botulinum toxin into orbicularis oculi muscles for treating mild to moderate blepharospasm.
Gong Zexin;Wei Ting;Kang Qianyan(Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center,Xi’an 710061,China;Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China)
International Review of Ophthalmology