
我国档案信息化建设政策法规体系研究——面向《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》目标要求的调查与展望 被引量:11

Research on the Policy and Regulation System of Archives Informatization Development:Investigation and Prospect of the Target Requirements of the National Archives Development Plan During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period
摘要 文章通过梳理分析发现,《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》在保障机制、数字档案资源体系、档案服务、档案信息安全、数字档案馆建设、科技创新与人才培养六个方面对档案信息化建设提出了新要求。政策计量分析结果显示,档案信息化建设政策法规的结构特征和关注热点日益丰富,但与“十四五”规划的要求相比,在政策法规结构、数字档案资源建设等方面存在进一步的优化空间。因此,文章从完善政策法规结构、强化对关键性议题的重视、融入数字中国建设要求、提升政策前瞻性、拓展支撑保障规定五个方面提出针对性的优化建议。 This paper found that the National Archives Development Plan During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period has put forward new requirements for archives informatization in six aspects:guarantee mechanism,digital archival resource system,archival services,archival information security,development of digital archives and scientific and technological innovation and personnel training.The results of policy measurement analysis shows that the structural features and hotspots of archives informatization development policies and regulations are increasingly enriched,but there is still room for further optimization in terms of the structure of policies and regulations and development of digital archival resources compared with the requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan.Therefore,the article proposes targeted suggestions for optimization in five areas,including improving the structure of policies and regulations,strengthening the emphasis on key issues,integrating the requirements of digital China development,improving the foresight of policies,and expanding support and guarantee regulations.
作者 文利君 周文泓 Wen Lijun;Zhou Wenhong(School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2023年第1期28-32,共5页 Archives & Construction
关键词 档案信息化 档案事业 发展规划 Archives Informatization Archives Undertaking Archives Development Plan
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