

An investigation of the German naval operations across the island chain around China at the beginning of World War Ⅰ
摘要 就军事地理环境而言,当代中国在海洋方向面临的最主要威胁来自环中国岛链的封锁,研究这一限制性地理环境对准备和实施军事活动的影响与相应对策,具有重要的现实意义。第一次世界大战(简称“一战”)初期,德国东亚驻军进行了跨岛链作战的实践,但在日本海军依托岛链和优势兵力的封锁下,其战略目标未能达成,并且出现了军事地理位置上的优劣转换。本文通过对“一战”初期德国东亚驻军跨岛链作战行动的军事地理分析,尝试提出军事地理研究思路、跨学科融合路径和分析框架。本文分析认为,彼时德占青岛虽然具有良好的战略态势和强大的军事力量,但孤悬海外,且缺乏战略纵深;从宏观的区域尺度分析来看,基地与舰队间的联系被岛链分隔,腹背受敌,军事地理上的劣势凸显。但依托岛链进行封锁,需要集结大量兵力,利用对方边缘区内作战力量相对比较薄弱的有利条件,原本实力较弱的德国东亚舰队取得了重大战果,形成反转式的“核心—边缘”结构。本文为中国的海疆安全和海洋强国建设提出了5条建议。 In terms of military geographical environment, the severest threat for the marine security of contemporary China comes from the blockade of the island chains around the country’s coastline built by the United States and its allies. It is of obvious practical significance for war preparedness and national defense to study the comprehensive influences of this special geographical environment. This paper focuses on this practical problem and tries to reveal the complex and dynamic relationship between military geography environment and wars and thus proposes a research approach and analytical framework for military geography study from an interdisciplinary perspective integrating history, geography and military science.This process is further illustrated based on the analysis of a specific war case: The German naval operations across the island chain around China at the early stage of the World War Ⅰ. At the early stage of World War Ⅰ, German troops in East Asia tried to conduct cross-island chain warfare, but soon defeated by the superior forces of Japanese navy and its blockade relying on island chains. This process had led to a transformation of military geographical position to both sides of this military operation. This paper elaborates this transformation applying the theory of "core-periphery" structure: As a seaport under German occupation, Qingdao had advantageous strategic location and military strength. But it was relatively geographic isolated and lacked strategic depth. From the perspective of macro region, Qingdao as a German navy base was separated with its fleet by island chains built by its enemy, making it easily attacked from both front and rear. On the other hand, it required a large number of troops for Japanese army to carry out the blockade, leading to the weakening of the forces in its border areas. It is precisely in this weakened area that the German East Asia Fleet, which was originally at a disadvantage,found new opportunity and made significant achievement. Thereby, the previous military structure of "core-periphery" was dramatically reversed, forming a new military geographical situation. Finally, this paper put forward five suggestions for the study of maritime security and the construction of China’s maritime power.
作者 杨霄 YANG Xiao(Center for Historical Geographical Studies,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期230-240,共11页 Acta Geographica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDB039)。
关键词 岛链封锁 出海通道 海上安全 军事地理 分析框架 island chain blockade free access to the sea maritime security military geography analytical framework
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