
赓续党的文艺理论 构筑新时代理论体系——“全国美术高峰论坛·上海”综述

Carrying forward the CPC’s Theories on Literature and Art and Establishing a Theory System in the New Era: Summary of the "National Art Summit Forum·Shanghai"
摘要 在“全国美术高峰论坛·上海”为期两天的论坛上,近30位来自全国各地的美术理论家、评论家及部分优秀论文作者,通过线上线下相结合的方式,深入学习领会党的二十大精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于文艺工作的系列重要论述精神,围绕“新时代中国美术”“纪念毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表80周年”“新时代现实主义美术创作的成就与特征”和“上海美术”四大板块内容展开研讨。论坛立足“推进文化自信自强,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌”这一崭新历史方位,研判和阐述中国美术新的发展态势、新的发展特征和重大成果,分析和讨论美术理论面临的时代机遇和新的挑战,在党的诞生地上海,合力发出了赓续党的文艺理论,努力构筑新时代中国美术理论话语体系新强音。 In the two-day forum of the "National Art Summit Forum·Shanghai", nearly 30 art theorists, critics and authors of excellent papers from all over the country, participating both online and offline, studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches on literature and art. They also held seminars on the following four topics: Chinese art in the new era, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the publication of Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art, achievements and characteristics of realistic art creation in the new era and Shanghai fine arts. Based on the new historical position of "building cultural confidence and strength and creating a bright future for socialist culture", participants discussed and elaborated on the new development trend, characteristics and major achievements of Chinese art, and analyzed new opportunities and challenges faced by art theory. In Shanghai, the birthplace of the CPC, they sent a new, strong message of carrying forward the CPC’s theories on literature and art, and establishing a system of Chinese art theory in the New Era.
作者 杨维民 李常胜 Yang Weimin;Li Changsheng
机构地区 天津美术学院
出处 《美术》 北大核心 2023年第1期60-67,共8页 Art Magazine
关键词 全国美术高峰论坛 文化自信自强 新时代中国美术 美术理论 National Art Summit Forum cultural confidence and strength Chinese art in the new era art theories








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