In the present study,we investigate the anisotropic stellar solutions admitting Finch-Skea symmetry(viable and non-singular metric potentials)in the presence of some exotic matter fields,such as Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC)dark matter,the Kalb-Ramond fully anisotropic rank-2 tensor field from the low-energy string theory effective action,and the gauge field imposing U(1)symmetry.Interior spacetime is matched with both Schwarzchild and Reissner-N?rdstrom vacuum spacetimes for BEC,KB,and gauge fields.In addition,we study the energy conditions,Equation of State(EoS),radial derivatives of energy density and anisotropic pressures,Tolman-OppenheimerVolkoff equilibrium condition,relativistic adiabatic index,sound speed,and surface redshift.Most of the aforementioned conditions are satisfied.Therefore,the solutions derived in the current study lie in the physically acceptable regime.
National Board for Higher Mathematics(NBHM)under Department of Atomic Energy(DAE)
Govt.of India for financial support to carry out the Research project No.:02011/3/2022 NBHM(R.P.)/R#D II/2152 Dt.14.02.2022
Sokoliuk O.performed the work in frame of the"Mathematical modeling in interdisciplinary research of processes and systems based on intelligent supercomputer,grid and cloud technologies"program of the NAS of Ukraine。