

How Can the State Poverty County Policy Improve the Quality of Poverty Alleviation in the County?——From the Perspective of Coordinated Governance of Poverty and Income gap
摘要 绝对贫困与收入差距的协同治理是实现共同富裕的基本要求。国家级贫困县政策(SPC)是中国特色减贫体系中最重要的区域性政策,如何正确评价这一政策将对新时期中国扶贫工作的演进与变革有着重要意义。文章基于2001-2018年中国2067个县(区)的面板数据,从贫困与收入差距协同治理视角出发,通过DID模型来检验国家级贫困县政策对县域脱贫质量的影响。研究发现,国家级贫困县政策通过促进县域经济增长及地方政府支出规模扩张有效提高了县域脱贫质量,即实现了贫困与收入差距的协同治理。这一结论在经过稳健性检验及安慰剂检验后仍然成立。然而,地处山区、丘陵、民族区域及禀赋不足的县域单元其脱贫质量亟待提高,贫困治理仍存在路径依赖。因此,在巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接的关键时期,为接续脱贫地区持续发展,国家级贫困县政策需持续推进并进一步完善。一方面,需要警惕地方政府财政支出的过量增长,优化财政支出结构,避免形成“经济建设性支出偏好”。另一方面,也要充分遵循县域差异,深入挖掘县域优势,并进一步提高扶贫资源瞄准精度。综合来看,本研究也为诸多面临着减贫困境的发展中国家提供了更广泛的政策启示,即通过推动地方政府治理能力现代化来增强政府干预力度或许是避免经济体减贫效率下降、提高脱贫质量的重要途径。 The State Poverty County(SPC)policy is the most important regional poverty alleviation policy in China.How to evaluate this policy correctly will be of great significance to the evolution and reform of China’s poverty alleviation work.Based on panel data on 2067 counties in China from 2001 to 2018,this paper use the DID method to test the impact of SPC policies on the quality of poverty alleviation from the perspective of coordinated governance of county poverty and the urban-rural income gap.The results show that the SPC policies can effectively improve county poverty and the urban-rural income gap by promoting the counties’economic growth and the scale of local government expenditure,and that the policy effect has sustainable characteristics.This conclusion is still valid after a robustness test.However,the poverty alleviation quality of county units located in mountainous areas,hills,ethnic regions and insufficient endowments needs to be improved urgently,and there is still path dependence in poverty control.Therefore,in the critical period of consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively establishing rural revitalization in China,the SPC policies must be continuously promoted and further improved.The government should not only be alert to the ratchet effect of government expenditure,optimize the structure of financial expenditure,and avoid the formation of“economic construction expenditure preference”,but also fully recognize county differences,deeply tap into county advantages,and further improve the targeting accuracy of poverty alleviation resources.This study also provides a broader implication for many developing countries that are facing the poverty reduction dilemma:enhancing government intervention by promoting the modernization of local governance capacity may be an important way to avoid falling into the ineffective poverty reduction trap.
作者 管睿 许彩华 余劲 Guan Rui;Xu Caihua;Yu Jin(School of Politics and Public Administration,Zhengzhou University;School of Economics and Management,Chang’An University;College of Economics&Management,Northwest A&F University)
出处 《宏观质量研究》 2023年第1期52-66,共15页 Journal of Macro-quality Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(72274157,71874139)的成果。
关键词 脱贫质量 贫困 城乡收入差距 国家级贫困县 经济增长 政府支出 poverty alleviation quality poverty income gap state poverty counties economic growth government expenditure
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